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FCB Connect Appoints Head Of Creative

FCB Connect Appoints Head Of Creative

FCB Connect appointed Rohan Reddy as Head of Creative with responsibility for curating the creative product of the group’s affiliate agencies on the continent, particularly for clients and brands with a global footprint or a presence in markets across Africa.

Highly respected as both a leader and a creative, Reddy has 25 years’ experience at agencies in several different African countries including The Hardy Boys, DDB, MetropolitanRepublic, Ogilvy Johannesburg and The Jupiter Drawing Room Johannesburg, Roots255 in Tanzania and MetropolitanRepublic in Uganda and Rwanda.

During this period, he worked on brands like MTN, Jockey, Carmel, Total, Bayer SA, Chalkham Hill Press, DStv South Africa, DStv Africa, SABMiller, Glaxosmithkline, Sun International Resorts & Casinos, Highveld Stereo 947, Nedbank, Emperor’s Palace Casino, KIA Motors, Jack Daniels, Airbnb, Bidvest, Prudential Investment Managers and Heineken.

As a freelancer, Reddy contributed to Vodacom, KIA, Windhoek Lager, VISA, Nedbank, FNB, MORE Safaris and Dimension Data campaigns.

Reddy’s list of industry achievements includes wins at The Loerie Awards Festival, The Eagles, Creative Circle and FNB SAMA Awards (South African Music Award), as well as entries in ‘The Best of South African Advertising & Design 1994 – 2000’.

He was also invited by the South African Design Society to submit designs for the new South African Coat of Arms and for several years was the South African consultant to the Benetton COLORS magazine.

FCB Africa Executive Business Director, Cobus van Zyl said, ’We’re very excited to have Reddy on our team, particularly given his vast experience in several African countries’.

‘This includes having been responsible for overseeing MTN’s creative in the 21 countries that the telecoms operator was doing business in outside of South Africa during the late 2000s as well as work on blue chip brands in the banking and alcoholic beverages markets on the continent. This augurs well for FCB Africa’s clients intent on growing their presence in Africa,’ said van Zyl.


Sign Africa Bloemfontein Expo Delights Free State Printing Industry

Sign Africa Bloemfontein Expo Delights Free State Printing Industry
Hundreds of industry professionals flocked to the Sign Africa Expo in Bloemfontein on 10 May. They were very impressed with the new technology showcased and print solutions offered by the variety of enthusiastic exhibitors. Visitors arrived from all parts of the province as well as Lesotho. The successful event attracted 425 visitors, an increase from the 2015 event.

The expo, which was held at Ilanga Estate, showcased cutting-edge technology, such as: digital printing, signage and graphics products, wide format digital and more.

Judges visited each stand at the expo and judged the stands according to criteria based on design, staff friendliness and professionalism.

Exhibitors had positive feedback about the event:

Mike Schiller from Vic Bay said, ‘The expo exceeded our expectations with a fantastic visitor profile. We loved the location as the people that arrived were really interested in the expo.’

Anja Kirton from Fujifilm said, ‘There was a great turnout and the expo was busy all day. We had a positive reaction to the technology Fujifilm has to offer and loved seeing something new.’

Rakesh Rosen from Midcomp said, ‘It was a really good response. At times our stand was flooded and we have great leads.’

Aziza Mahomed from Kemtek said, ‘Very good, we had a lot of interest on all sides of our product range. It was well attended by the industry with a good customer profile.’

The stand winners included:
Winner: Fujifilm.
First runner-Up: SA Argus.
Second runner-up: Vic Bay.

Upcoming Africa Print Expos include:
Zambia: 6-7 June, Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka.
Johannesburg: 12-14 September, Gallagher Convention Centre.

Relativ Media’s Digital Screen Creates Feeling of New York In SA

Relativ Media's Digital Screen Creates Feeling of New York In SA
Relativ Media revealed a giant fully HD Polaroid digital screen on the corner of Alice Lane and 5th Street, Sandton.

The 7m x 13.7m digital screen is strategically elevated to maximise the line of sight for passengers and motorists and is largely aimed at the upper LSM and SEM sectors. The new digital screen is one of eight screens available to Relativ Media clients, with other screens situated in key locations around the country.

Relativ celebrated the introduction of its new digital screen at the Wishbone Café and Bistro Bar, where guests enjoyed a classy evening to mark the unveiling of the innovative out of home digital screen. Many of the guests were quick to liken the event and the location to Times Square in New York, referring to the classiness and quality of the screen, the location and the evening.

Margaret Ashwin from Media Max said that the digital screen was ‘very exciting and fantastic to see’. Norman Gibson from MTN said the digital screen was ‘the first of its kind, creating the feeling of New York right here in South Africa’. He continued by highlighting how Relativ Media is ‘driving innovation in the out of home media space by creating cost effective and impactful media platforms.’

Michael Christoforos from Relativ Media said, ‘We are extremely thrilled with the way in which this incredible screen has turned out. It’s a fantastic addition to our inventory and a truly iconic site in Johannesburg.’

Relativ Media are proud to have worked with HD Media, Paragon Architects and Redefine Properties, with Christoforos adding that ‘the relationships forged during this process and the opportunity to work with such collaborative and forward thinking entities, made a project such as this every media owner’s dream.’


Tractor Outdoor Erects Cape Town’s Largest Digital Sign

Tractor Outdoor Erects Cape Town's Largest Digital Sign

Tractor Outdoor has added their largest digital screen to their digital network. The site is also the first and only digital site in Cape Town that is ARA-compliant with Heineken being the first advertiser to include this into their media strategy.

Ben Harris, Rights and Development Director at Tractor Outdoor said, ‘We are extremely excited with the addition of this site which is part of the strategic digital growth, awaiting the arrival of this new edition had everyone licking their lips with it going out to market. It was an easy decision to stick with a product and brand that we trust such as Prismaflex. Their technical crew, together with our amazing operations team installed and erected the screen with no hassles. We are extremely proud of the work Tractor is doing at the moment and we look forward to expanding even more. This is our largest digital site for now with some extremely fantastic stuff in the pipeline.’

This 4m x 8m screen is located on Durban Road, Tygervalley, and leads directly towards the N1 highway. The location is prime with OMC data reflecting that it is one of the busiest roads in the Cape Town metro. Key POI in this upper LSM area includes Tygervalley Shopping Centre and the Bellville Velodrome.

‘We have been one of first media owners in the country to install ‘P8’ (8mm) screens which is currently one of the highest and most vivid screen specifications available for outdoor use in the country. Tractor has committed to having at least 50% of our portfolio digitised by 2020, so we have been very aggressive in seeking out key, iconic and strategic locations,’ said Simon Wall, Managing Director at Tractor Outdoor.


Johannesburg Metro Presents Revised By-laws For Outdoor Advertising

Johannesburg Metro Presents Revised By-laws For Outdoor Advertising
The Full Council of the Johannesburg Metro has revised by-laws for outdoor advertising despite numerous objections by the industry, especially those related to the imposition of penalty rates and retrospective criminalisation of property owners. Promulgation is expected on 31 May 2018.

The following amendments have been effected to the final draft as a result of comments received:

• Advertising Precincts will be identified in terms of an Advertising Signage Framework. This Framework would be similar to the City’s Spatial Development Framework but only applicable to outdoor advertising and it will follow the approval of this by-law. It will also have to go through a public participation process so that all relevant stake holders can make representations in terms thereof. This Framework will also have to be approved by Council prior to it being put in operation.

• Although the tariff of charges in terms of this by-law is not determined in the by-law, it follows the approval of the by-law and such tariffs need to be published in the Provincial Gazette for public information. The tariffs need to be amended to reflect an administrative application fee when an application is submitted and then an approval fee based on the size of the advertising sign only payable after approval. Currently it is the other way around and it is regarded as unfair for applicants to be paying these exorbitant fees upfront without any guarantee that the application will be approved.

• The by-law does now make specific provision for a pre-approval process in terms of which a proposal will go through a pre-assessment procedure to, inter alia, determine what relevant documentation needs to be submitted as part of a formal application and to give an indication whether the proposal would find support should a formal application be submitted.

  • Advertising signs will now be subject to a building plan approval process as well as these structures that fall within the definition of a ‘building’ for purposes of the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 103 of 1977 (NBRA). The Building Control Officer (BCO) has in terms of section 13 of the NBRA the authority to exempt some of these advertising signs as ‘minor building work’ due to the size and nature of the sign and such exempted signs would then not be subject to a building plan process. Larger signs such as large gantries and what is deemed to be ‘Super Billboards’ will, however, not be exempted and will be subject to a building plan approval process.
  • Such advertising signs exempted by the BCO as minor building work will then also not be subject to a building line relaxation process in terms of the COJ Municipal Planning by-law, 2016. For larger signs not so exempted, a building line relaxation application, if applicable, will have to be submitted for approval prior to such sign being approved and erected under this by-law.
  • The by-law has now been amended so that written reasons must be provided in the same notice notifying parties of the decision. In the past it was a separate process and reasons had to be specifically requested by a particular party in writing and then the City would provide such reasons in writing. There is no need for it to be a separate process and it can be done as one process to make the process more expedient and efficient.
  • The by-law has also been amended in that no third-party static advertising sign may be erected within 50 metres at traffic controlled intersections measured from the nearest traffic signal/sign. For LED/digital/electronic advertising signs, the distance is 100 metres. In the past it was measured from the centre of an intersection but this was deemed to be inadequate as some intersections are so big that when you measure 50 metres from the centre of the intersection, you find yourself still within the intersection (for example the Empire/Jan Smuts intersection).
  • Provision has been made that illuminated advertising signs (which includes LED/digital electronic signs) must now comply with a certain candela per metre.
  • No specific provision has been included in this by-law to regulate cell phone and other antennae on advertising structures. In terms of the Link Africa Constitutional court judgment, a section 22 license holder in terms of the Electronic Communications Act, 36 of 2005, may enter upon any private and/or public land without the land owner’s consent to exercise the rights it has under such license. It only needs to notify such land owner and such rights must be exercised with due care, respect and diligence.
  • The comment that imprisonment of 20 years and a fine calculated in terms of the Adjustment of Fines Act similar to such years of imprisonment is excessive has been accepted and it has been reduced to a fine and imprisonment conducive to 10 years.
  • The by-law has been amended to allow for larger signs than what is prescribed in partial- and minimum controlled areas at the sole discretion of the City but only on good cause shown.
  • The by-law now also makes provision that if an advertising sign is displayed illegally on private property, then a rates penalty may be imposed in terms of the City’s Rates Policy. This Rates Penalty in terms of the Rates Policy read with the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004, has been tested in the courts and has been found to be lawful. Thus, all of the objections submitted arguing against it are therefore unfounded.
  • The by-law makes provision that all applications as well as appeals will be dealt with on written submissions only. The argument that parties are entitled to a formal oral hearing holds no water as nobody has an absolute right to be heard formally in an oral hearing. The courts have clearly expressed themselves on this issue and have confirmed that a party is also ‘heard’ when written submissions are considered only. This is also in line with the provisions of PAJA which also makes provision for a ‘hearing’ based on written submissions only.
  • The by-law now makes provision that advertising signs which are deemed to be erected on Council property or property that vests in the City without the prior approval of the City may be removed by the City without the necessity to obtain a court order as long as prior notice is given. The argument that this constitutes ‘self-help’ does not hold water as long as a fair and transparent process is followed including fair and reasonable notice prior to such a sign being removed. This again is in line with the provisions of PAJA.
  • The by-law also makes provision that if any sign, whether on council property or on property that vests in the City or on private property has become dangerous and poses a threat to life and/or property for whatever reason; it may be removed immediately without notice and without a court order.

CITY OF JOHANNESBURG (+27 860) 56 28 74joburgconnect@joburg.org.za

Uganda News: Alliance Media Creates Iconic OOH Billboard

Uganda News: Alliance Media Creates Iconic OOH Billboard
Alliance Media in partnership with Coca-Cola created an iconic and innovative OOH billboard site by projecting onto the well-known Cham Towers building in Kampala, Uganda.

The projection celebrates Uganda having been chosen as one of the 10 African countries to host the FIFA World Cup original trophy.

ALLIANCE MEDIA (+267) 317 0090 ALLIANCE MEDIA (+267) 317 0090 tkujinga.bw@alliancemedia.com www.alliancemedia.com

One Digital Media: The Pulse of Digital Signage Content

One Digital Media: The Pulse of Digital Signage Content

Daniel Waldron, esteemed digital signage blogger and head of Content for award-winning, outdoor digital signage enclosure manufacturer, Armagard said, ‘Content is the lifeblood of any digital signage network, and content management is its heart.’

Andrew Ridl, CEO of One Digital Media (ODM) concurs and went on to say, ‘Digital signage is only as effective as the content it displays. As the digital signage market becomes more saturated and competitive, and as consumers place more stock in mobile options for information delivery, it becomes imperative that a premium be placed on content that is engaging and memorable.’

The delivery mechanism of any message must be subservient to what is being delivered. Poor content precipitates poor customer experience, which ripples outwards, creating irreparable damage to a company or its brands. For example, the visitor to a car dealer’s repair facility can’t be questioned for doubting the establishment’s ability to repair her car, if the digital sign in reception reads, ‘We are committed to quality.’

The customer might logically conclude that they are not committed to quality if they can’t even take the time to correct a simple spelling error.

The psychosomatic effect on the customer moves far beyond such obvious problems as typos and misspelled words. Poor contrast, outdated visuals, shoddy design themes, expired offers, or photographic images used at a higher resolution than originally intended, all place a subconscious impression, in the viewer’s mind, that the company in question does not pay attention to detail and therefore can’t be committed to quality.

‘Content is everything,’ said Bill Collins, principal of research consultancy Decision Point Media Insights. ‘A store sells content, merchandise and service, it sells an entire customer experience. So, the content of any store’s in-store digital media is fundamental in making the store experience friendly and helpful.’

Digital signage holds the promise of making content better than ever, brighter and more colourful, and more emotionally engaging for everyone involved. However, an important focus for the designer of the content is firstly, how do I attract my target audience, and secondly, how do I keep them interested in what is being communicated?

Ridl said that creating successful digital content is based on the design team addressing several basic pointers:

Conduct market research

  • While a news broadcast may be interesting for some patrons in a restaurant, it may illicit groans from others. Market research needs to be conducted in order to understand what content will perk the customer’s interest while sitting, relaxing and enjoying a meal, or what will drive the irritated customer mad and straight out the door.
  • For example, if people on the road enjoy listening to music, a petrol station’s digital display could play top music videos. And if the petrol station is located on a national highway to the coast, various coastal regions could be featured, thus enhancing the holiday maker’ s trip.

What screen will the content be displayed on?

When digital content is created, the screen that it will be displayed on needs to be considered and the following questions asked: Where is the screen located? Who will be looking at it? What will they be doing while they look at it?

What type of content should be displayed where?

  • Text heavy content generally takes more than a few seconds to read and is best reserved for waiting areas or long queues.
  • Shorter content should be used in areas where customers come and go quickly.
  • Content for displays that are placed near a point of sale, such as a cash register or reception desk, create tempting impulse buys.
  • Storefront digital signage that attracts customers to a store, should consist of advertising and promotional content.
  • Call to action content should take the form of a video. Content may be king, but when it comes to digital signage, so is context.

Be a stickler for text design

With numerous fonts, sizes, and colours to select, it seems as if text design is the part of digital signage content that lends itself most to creativity. However, depending on the application, poor font choice can derail an entire project. Fonts should always be simple and legible, especially from a reasonable distance, and too many fonts will muddy the message and may lose viewers.

Choose colour wisely

Too many colours or the wrong colours together, can be a distraction or even worse, convey the incorrect emotion. In addition, combining certain colours may be a hit in the retail marketing arena, but garish colour combinations, used in an airport or train station may be disconcerting for the traveller who is seeking basic information such as schedules.

Use Motion Selectively

Often silhouettes and animation may interfere with readability or comprehension. As viewers should be given enough time to read text, movement should not be too abrupt.

Alliteration and rhyme

For quicker viewer retention and memorisation, rhyme and alliteration could be considered. Most viewers remember up to three items at any given time. By keeping the message clear and concise, and holding the screen views long enough, the message can be read and absorbed effectively.

A place for humour

There are times when a playful injection of humour can transform digital signage content from ordinary to eye-catching and attention-grabbing. Once a viewer’s attention is caught, a conversation can be started with excellent content to follow. For many marketers, getting a customer ‘in the door’ is the first step to converting them into a sale.

Keep it fresh

One major element separating digital signage from traditional signage is its ability to display dynamic content. If only static content is being displayed on the screen, the question remains, why even use digital signage? Dynamic content captures an individual’s attention, keeps the viewer interested and remains top of mind.

Customers and employees are 10 times more likely to observe dynamic digital signage content than static messages. Examples of dynamic digital signage content are videos, animations, social media feeds or RSS feeds. The latter two are the most likely to keep the content as fresh and exciting as possible, and they’re low maintenance. However, if a company’s social media account is being displayed, it’s essential that it is kept updated,

Keep it simple
At first glance, simplicity may seem contradictory to producing amazing content, however, good visual communication should always be concise, easy to understand and memorable. Establish whether your content is interactive or not and then focus on delivering one key message, as too much information can overload and distract the viewer.

Place a call to action on every screen
Start a call to action with a verb, keep the verb and subject close together, and embed it in each screen being used (e.g. ‘Get Yours Today’, ‘Get Started Now’ and ‘Try it for Free’.)

Make it useful, not only colourful
When content is being designed, make sure it enhances the experience, not detracts from it. For example, many menu boards will use a dedicated attraction screen for this type of animated content, such as McDonald’s where the content flows well and the actual menu is not affected. All content elements must work together and not compete against one another.

Offer value, not technology
Often companies engage in technology, while not fully understanding how it will add value to the customer experience. The key question needs to be asked, ‘What will the customer gain if they pay attention to my content?’ Will they be entertained or more likely to make a purchase, or both? Does it offer them some sort of discount?


Scan Display Participates In Goodbye Malaria Airport Kiosk Roll-out

Scan Display Participates In Goodbye Malaria Airport Kiosk Roll-out
Scan Display’s retail division, Scan Retail, was excited to be appointed to supply the airport kiosks for the Goodbye Malaria project. This is the story of how a simple retail product can be used creatively and effectively in a life-saving project.

Goodbye Malaria is an initiative started by African entrepreneurs who believe that African creativity can solve one of Africa’s biggest problems: Malaria.

  • There were 214 million cases of Malaria reported worldwide in 2015.
  • 90% of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 70% of deaths from malaria are children under the age of five.

One of the ways Goodbye Malaria funds its campaigns and activities is by retailing beautiful shweshwe goods and cotton T-shirts, and it was fitting that they decided to position their retail outlets in airport kiosks around the country – to help send this lethal bug packing.

The benefits of using retail kiosks for a project like this are that they are less costly than renting a traditional retail space; they can be strategically positioned where the campaign’s target market is; and they are available in a wide range of designs, with optional features and accessories that ensure they can be fully customised to suit a brand’s identity.

The first roll-out of Goodbye Malaria’s retail kiosks began at the OR Tambo International Airport in April 2016, where one of Scan Retail’s existing kiosks was refurbished to suit its requirements. After this, two more kiosks were manufactured and installed in different locations within OR Tambo.

Melfred Malander, the Scan Retail account executive who ran with this project, said, ‘Goodbye Malaria was happy with the shopping kiosks, and at the end of last year we installed two more kiosks, one at George Airport and one at Cape Town International Airport. This time, instead of opting for our Modular Retail Kiosks, which come in standard designs, they went with a custom-designed kiosk to meet their exact needs.’

SCAN DISPLAY (+27 11) 447 4777 justin@scandisplay.co.za www.scandisplay.co.za

Mediashop: Modern Day Mom And What Brands Need To Keep In Mind

Mediashop: Modern Day Mom And What Brands Need To Keep In Mind
Louise Hefer, Media Strategist/Implementation Planner at The MediaShop, has been working on a brand within the Baby Care category for a couple of years.

I’ve always thought that I have a good insight into Moms and how to be relevant to them. What I’ve recently come to understand is that you think you know a fair amount but you never really truly understand the group of people that make up your target audience, until you are actually part of that specific group. I’m a Mom to a 20-month-old boy…and boy oh boy…the insights that I’ve gained through this journey is life changing.

According to the Establishment Survey, there are roughly three million women with children under three years and nearly 3.5 million people within the ‘Young Family’ life stage. If you’re a brand that’s relevant to this audience whether baby/child focused or in general, you should know by now that this audience has a different set of priorities and makes decisions differently compared to the rest of the general population. Taking this to heart, there’s no better time than the present to highlight some of the key points a recently released Mintel study highlighted marketing to moms and some insights brands can take note of.

New or younger Moms are more likely to value media as a parenting resource

Having the internet at your fingertips, it’s easier than ever to Google questions or concerns. However, information overload is a real thing – especially for new Moms! This is where the power of brands may take advantage. Moms will naturally be drawn towards advice and information offered by a brand that carries authority in a category, especially the baby category. Therefore, ensure that the brand is ready, willing and able to be this trusted and valuable source of information.

Working Moms are more open to bite-size information and benefit more from products that make their lives easier and efficient

It’s amazing how much time an extra little heartbeat takes from you, whether you’re a working mom or not. So let’s skip the essay approach of telling Moms more about your brand and tap into the ‘snackable’ content approach. Keep it short – but in more frequent bursts Moms have a lot they need to think about and small reminders of your brand and benefits will work a lot harder. Anything that makes a Mom’s life easier has a huge sense of appeal, but it’s how a brand sells it that will determine whether it resonates with her or not. Focus on the product benefit but also highlight the benefit of time. Time that can be spent on things that matter, not just everyday mundane tasks.

Moms no longer buy into the ‘perfect Mom’ fantasy and are more open to embrace imperfections and parenting on their own terms

I do think this is an increasing phenomenon within women in general, especially in the Fashion and Beauty categories. From a Mom’s point of view, there’s a huge online movement where mothers from around the world accept, share and celebrate their imperfections. Raising a child is hard work and Moms are more open to admit when they’ve made mistakes. This is a huge insight that brands can utilise. Brands that exhibit an understanding of the challenges Moms face, and highlight the highs and lows of parenting will forge a long-term connection that will have a positive impact on brand loyalty within this audience.

Reading through this study, I realise that the insights aren’t rocket science, but sometimes when you’re not a part of the specific group you’re targeting it’s easy to miss these little nuggets of gold. That’s why it’s so important for brands to really immerse themselves into the target audience, do proper research and find those little nuggets that will make them more relevant and endearing in the long term than their competitors.


This is Modern Marketing