Using Data To Create Insight-Rich Media Campaigns

Kagiso Musi, Group Managing Director at Meta Media.

Kagiso Musi, Group Managing Director at Meta Media, showed #ModernMarketingTrendcamp delegates how they can use data to create insight-rich media campaigns. Read more about Musi’s presentation highlights, where she discusses how she uses her experience to strategically approach business opportunities and solve problems and challenges more holistically.

Digitisation and data

WiFi has replaced most of our daily basic needs in the Maslow hierarchy such as food, water and shelter. When people visit you, the first thing they ask for is the WiFi password, not water or food. That is because everything in our daily lives is digital: music, messages, maps, shopping, social media and even store receipts. And the proliferation of digital products and services results in customers generating masses of personal data across all aspects of their lives. Data is captured by organisations through digital channels and devices.

Whatever we do online is tracked by web trackers and Radio Frequency Identification. For example, there are certain items in a store where if you take the product and put it back on shelf, an advert will be sent to your smartphone about that product later while in-store. This ensures that you do not forget to buy that product because you’re more likely to check your phone multiple times while shopping. Cookie syncing is another way that online advertisers follow you around the internet when you ‘Accept cookies’.

Insight-rich media and marketing

Data science is a synthesis of technology and creativity for engaging with customers in order to sell more. Digital still uses pinpoint targeting, albeit differently, as it is the same adverts but presented differently to suit different needs. Hence the world of creativity is no longer about creating one big ad and it ends there – that one big ad’s messaging needs to be turned around super fast and be served to different people each time they engage with the internet.

Digital and data are about marrying the science of storytelling together with the analytics of brand performance. In the past, marketers used to make a marketing decision based on intuition and experience. The new way of creating ads using data pushes innovative dreams that allow creatives to be creative but through a funnel, and creates marketing processes that are repeatable, so that you can let the work happen while you keep testing and changing.

Highlights of Musi’s Trend Camp talk:
