Soweto Gold Erects Free WiFi Enabled 3D Wall Murals

Soweto Gold Erects Free Wi-Fi Enabled 3D Wall Murals

Posterscope partnered with Owakhe Media, an outdoor production and management company, to produce the vibrant, one-of-a-kind WiFi-enabled 3D wall murals for Soweto Gold.

The Soweto Gold brand dominates the vibrant Soweto townships from its skyline down to its bustling streets. Dudu Cindi, an out-of-home strategist planner at Posterscope, said that Soweto Gold wanted to contribute to making social gatherings in eKasi just a little more special by commissioning Soweto Gold wall murals with built-in free WiFi.

The location-based strategy positioned the Soweto Gold brand near car washes, barbershops, taverns, parks and other popular hotspots where amaJita as’eKasi hang out in large groups to watch local diski while sharing a beer. Township wall murals remain a powerful and popular outdoor marketing medium that allows brands to remain top of mind for the valuable and influential township consumers. Soweto Gold’s 3D wall murals, which are strategically placed around high-volume areas in Soweto are Wi-Fi-enabled.

The bold wall murals also run Soweto Gold advertisements directly on their target audience’s mobile phone whenever they connect to the free WiFi. With the introduction of Soweto Gold’s WiFi-enabled 3D wall murals, the brand is constantly connected with its consumers through its outdoor brand placement and online. The wall murals allow the Soweto Gold consumer to connect with friends and family while enjoying a cold quart of Soweto Gold lager – emphasising the brand’s focus on brotherhood in the community.

Given the statics regarding the data usage of the Soweto Gold WiFi-enabled 3D wall murals, consumers are no doubt in close proximity to the wall murals for long periods of time and are also at the same time interacting with the brand directly on their mobile devices. A win-win for both the target audience and Soweto Gold, which wanted to win the hearts of locals by being a brand that remains true to its roots in the Soweto community that first supported the brand.
