OrangeBlock Introduces New Look Whisky & Gin Live Events


Nfinity’s OrangeBlock was awarded full event management of Whisky & Gin Live’s new look. This includes three Celebration events in Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban as well as the annual Festival, to be held at the Sandton Convention Centre in November this year.
Michelle Kirby, Managing Director of OrangeBlock said, ’Whisky lovers that have been attending this popular event over the last few years will have started to notice a change. On being awarded this contract, we introduced a change to the Celebration events to introduce a new look and a special focus on gin and live music. We realised that the Celebrations taking place in Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban required an offering that would appeal not only to the whisky connoisseur and emerging whisky drinker but to the gin lover too.’
The perception that the whisky market is dominated by an older profile is no longer accurate and the emergence of craft liquors, especially gin, is a trend that deserves attention. With two Celebration events under the belt, these changes have already been well received by both exhibitors and visitors alike. Guests enjoyed the expanded range and ambiance at Whisky & Gin Live, while exhibitors relished a broader range of consumers visiting the event – many for the first time.
Running an event of this magnitude is no small task but when it comes to executing tasks in triplicate, it’s no cut and paste solution. The events all ran back to back over a seven-week period with extremely tight deadlines and timelines.
Managing individual Celebrations across three different provinces comes with its own set of challenges. ‘The different municipalities and applications for each event is totally different and they have their own unique rules, regulations and time frames,’ said Kirby. ‘Every event has to comply with various rules in terms of health and safety applications which can be very time-consuming.’
