Modern Marketing Keeping You Connected During COVID-19


These are unprecedented times. COVID-19 is having a major impact on our way of life, with governments around the world introducing nationwide lockdowns. We hope you and your loved ones are all safe – your health and the health of those around you should be the priority at this time.

From Modern Marketing, we want to reassure you that publishing of news will be done as per normal to keep everyone up to date. Look out for our Modern Marketing newsletter every Thursday, and remember to keep sending your news and thought pieces.

We will be working ahead and past the 21 Day Lockdown on projects to get back up to speed immediately and also to offer you, our valuable clients, many ways to get your services and products available and your company news out there.

Should you need any urgent supplies to print or produce over this time we will gladly assist you in locating a reliable source of supply with our extensive network of suppliers and readers, email:

Follow our social media accounts to stay up to date: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

To submit your news please, contact
