Marketing Achievement Awards Extends Entry Deadline


The Marketing Achievement Awards have extended the entry deadline to 30 September 2020.

The awards celebrate excellence in the science and art of strategic marketing, and in so doing set a compass point for marketers to aim towards. The awards are endorsed by the Marketing Association of South Africa (MASA)

Great marketing is always simple. The organisers are looking for rigorous upfront thinking and marketing that goes beyond communication. Above all, it should lead the business through identifying customer need, and focus, and align and empower the organisation’s resources in order to consistently deliver a customer experience that meets that need.

The following categories are available for entrants to prove their strategic abilities in:

  • Purpose Led Marketing.
  • Strategic Sponsorship Marketing.
  • Brand Positioning.
  • Marketing Innovation.
  • New Product or Brand Launch.
  • Reputation Management (corporate and brand).
  • South African Resonance Marketing.
  • Brand Marketing B2B.
  • Integrated Marketing.
  • Resourceful Marketing (The ‘Limited Budget, Unlimited Idea’ category).
  • Internal Marketing.
  • Digital Brand Marketing (new category for 2020).
  • Rising Star of the Year (nominated).
  • Marketer of the Year (nominated).