Setanta Institute, which originated in Ireland, offers services for undergrads and postgrads in the area of human performance, through blended learning. Machine_ is diversifying their client compliment with the institute, and partnering with them on their rebrand.
Around 80% of Setanta’s internationally accredited programmes run as interactive online lectures, complemented by practical workshops delivered in locations across the world. ‘The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic brought along with it an immense shift in the education sector globally, seeing learning structures move from largely physical to online and hybrid solutions almost overnight,’ said Robyn Campbell, Managing Director of Machine_ in Cape Town.
‘One brand that is really pushing innovation and premium offerings in this space is Setanta Institute. It’s because of this and more that we couldn’t be more excited to partner with them on their rebrand.’
Machine_ will be updating the brand’s CI from the logo through to the visual language, and templates for communication. All of this will be implemented internationally. ‘We are delighted to partner with Machine_ and are confident they have exactly what it takes to propel our brand to new heights in Africa along with our global locations,’ said Wilhelm van der Vyver, Director at Setanta Institute. ‘Their expertise and thorough approach have instilled great confidence into what we believe will be a very successful relationship.’