Integrated Marketing Conference Hosts Successful #NedbankIMC2019 Event

Integrated Marketing Conference Hosts Successful #NedbankIMC2019 Event

Modern Marketing recently attended the 2019 Nedbank IMC Conference, which took place at The Fox Junction in Johannesburg under the theme #MarketingGetsNaked. Pepe Marais, Group COO of Joe Republic, was the Master of Ceremonies.

Pepe Marais, Master of Ceremonies.jpg
Pepe Marais, Master of Ceremonies.

Video highlights:

Anne Thistleton, Mind Science Practitioner, said that we are of two minds, and we have been listening and talking to the wrong one.

Marketer Andy Rice, spoke on: Mystery strip/Moment of naked truth.

Refilwe Maluleke, Managing Director at Yellowwood, addressed the topic: Mystery strip/Moment of naked truth.

Professor Elaine Rumble, Managing Director at The Creative Leadership Consultancy, addressed the topic: Playing with the Cool Kids – Befriending Playfulness, Bravery and Curiosity in a schoolyard of Commerce.

Gareth Whittaker, CEO at T+W: A story

GG Alcock, Author and Entrepreneur: No kota given – the crisis of lip service in kasi street food.

Khaya Dlanga, columnist, author and CMO at Rain: It’s not just about consumer insights anymore, but about empathy.

Other speakers and topics included:

David Duarte, CEO at Treeshake: The Connected Context: the naked truth behind the tech and trends of marketing’s revolution in 2019 and beyond.

Bongani Chinkanda, CEO at HDI Youth Consultancy: Youth proof your brand’s bottom line. #thenext.

Katherine Marley, Marketing And Customer Director at MASSDISCOUNE+TERS, t/a Game and Dionwired: AI au Naturel. Stripping to the metrics that really count. Sales and market share.

Greg Garden, CEO at Marketing Association of SA (MASA) presented: The naked truth. What CEOs really think of marketers.

Darren Hampton, GM Digital and CRM at Nando’s: Nando’s, exposing South Africans.

Musa Kalenga, Chief Future Officer at House of Brave asked: Where humans and technology meet. What role will marketers still need to play in the future?

Gillian Rightford, CEO at Adtherapy: The client/agency relationship. Love affair or destined for divorce?

T’bo Touch, Founder of Touch HD: Creating brands in a competitive space.

Simon Lloyd, Managing Partner at Algorithm: #MarketingGetsNaked – a real-time case study comparing traditional to digital.

Grant Pereira, Brand Director of Carling Black Label, Anheuser – Busch Inbev: Purpose marketing. Is there a purpose to purpose and does it pay?

The rest of the speakers and topics can be viewed on the #NedbankIMC2019 conference session streams:

#NedbankIMC2019 Live Stream

The 2019 Nedbank IMC Conference is sold out, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out! We’re broadcasting the full conference LIVE right here on our Facebook page. Sign up to catch the full lineup of 20 industry experts as ‘Marketing Gets Nak*d’. #NedbankIMC2019

Posted by Nedbank on Wednesday, 13 March 2019