How To Create Videos For NPO’s That Effectively Deliver Their Marketing Messages

How To Create Videos For NPOs That Effectively Deliver Their Marketing Messages

Calvin Fisher, owner of Pandabomb, discusses five tips on how to create compelling video content for a non-profit organisation (NPO). Considering that 86% of businesses today use video content as a tool to deliver their marketing messages, there is every reason for NPO’s to use this marketing tool too.

Identify the ‘why’

The first thing you need to do is to determine what you would like your video to accomplish. Decide whether you’d like to use it to raise awareness for a particular cause, drive traffic to your social media platforms or get people to volunteer at a local animal shelter. For example, an orphanage can create a video which would encourage people to donate clothing. Another video could encourage people to do a beach clean-up to help save the environment. Deciding on the purpose of your video at an early stage will also help you determine all the things you need to make the video a success.

Make everything visually appealing

The trick to connecting with the audience on an emotional level is to have as many visuals as possible. A great way to use the visuals is through storytelling so, for instance, you might want to share the behind-the-scenes of the work being done or maybe share the background stories of the staff who work at the NPO. If you use the visuals properly, you will be able to evoke empathy among your audience, which will leave them asking for more.

Help the audience understand the cause

Video content is one of the most efficient ways to share your NPO’s mission with your audience. It allows you to explain the importance of your organisation and it gives you a chance to introduce yourself and everyone who works with you in the background. It’s also a great way to encourage your audience to help out in any ways that they can.

Subtitles work best

When people go through their social media feed in public, they often watch videos without sound. In fact, according to DigiDay, 85% of the videos watched on Facebook are watched without sound. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to add subtitles to your video. This way, your audience will have the option to engage with your video with or without volume.

Share on all social media channels

As soon as your video is complete, share it on all of your social media channels and encourage your friends, family and audience to share it across their online platforms as well. Just a tip: try and come up with a catchy hashtag for your video; this way it should be easy to keep track of all the places it will be shared online and it’s also a great way to get your audience involved.

As soon as your video is up and running, don’t forget to track its performance by checking the number of views, click-throughs and social media engagements it gets.