Featuring FCB Joburg’s first TV commercial shoot out of lockdown, #ToyotaUnlocked went live on several Toyota social media platforms, local TV channels and YouTube within two weeks from the first presentation.
This campaign comes after more than two months of hard lockdown. #ToyotaUnlocked is Toyota South Africa Motors (TSAM) way of welcoming its customers and other road users back on the byways and highways with a campaign.
The campaign was conceptualised by FCB Joburg’s team of Executive Creative Director Tian van den Heever, Creative Director Julie Thorogood and Associated Digital Creative Director Lucy Holford-Walker. The TVC element was directed by Morgan Dingle of Your Girlfriend.
The shoot took place towards the end of Level 4 and required all cast and crew to follow strict Level 4 protocols while on set. This included strict sanitisation, temperature testing and the use of masks throughout the day of the shoot. The crew used minimal lighting and camera equipment to keep costs down and to minimise the number of people at the shoot.
According to the Vice President of TSAM Marketing and Lexus Sales, Glenn Crompton, the message of safety has shifted beyond reminding everyone to drive with caution and great care. It is now urging everyone to practise social distancing and hygiene. ‘With the government having relaxed its lockdown regulations, we call upon everyone to remember that this kind of freedom – in times of Covid-19 – comes with great responsibility to protect oneself and those around them, he said.