Netflorist Campaign Delivers Real Impact On Business And Drought Relief Fund

FCB Cape Town, Hellocomputer And Netflorist Run National Drought Relief Fund Campaign

According to Managing Director at Netflorist, Ryan Bacher, the old adage, ‘Nothing says I love you quite like flowers’ just didn’t hold water when it came to sending blooms during Cape Town’s worst drought in 100 years. FCB and Hellocomputer executed an innovative and successful campaign to help Netflorist overcome this.

‘Citizens were limited to just 50 litres a day as the dam levels fell. NetFlorist had to act fast because, as the Cape was drying up, so was business. FCB and Hellocomputer suggested that, instead of telling people to say it with flowers, we change stream, and our business, and tell people to say it with a cactus,’ he explained.

‘After years of tradition, people needed convincing though, so for every cactus sent, we donated R10 to the National Drought Relief Fund. Soon people were sending cacti to mark every sort of occasion from birthdays, to anniversaries to celebrate babies and new jobs. Sales spiked by 46%, our most successful promotion yet.’

The promotion was simple and to the point and comprised of an expansive digital and social media campaign. ‘We’re very proud of this promotion,’ said Mike Barnwell, Chief Creative Officer of FCB Cape Town and Hellocomputer Cape Town.

‘Not only was it a fun execution in line with all of NetFlorist’s marketing communication, it had a real impact on the company’s business and showed South Africans that they didn’t need to abandon a much-loved tradition when faced with adverse circumstances. Best of all, together NetFlorist and its customers flooded the relief fund with monetary support, and just when the company was thinking of changing its name to NetCactus, it rained.’