Everything In Business Is Marketing

Everything In Business Is Marketing
Image source: www.silverwindstudio.com

The biggest lie in marketing is almost certainly not what you’re expecting. If you ask the average business owner about marketing they will tell you: ‘I don’t have enough time for marketing.’

Whether these business owners know it or not, they are marketing their business all day, everyday. That’s because everything in business is marketing.

Here are 35 examples that support this

1. The eagerness you display, for helping your clients or customers.
2. The cleanliness and age of your company vehicles.
3. The quality of the coffee you offer people who visit you.
4. The way you speak: from the words you use to the warmth of your voice.
5. The experience you give your clients/customers, which they share with their friends.
6. The way you handle phone calls.
7. The causes that you or your business publicly support.
8. The way you motivate people to pay you on time.
9. The terms and conditions you set for working with you.
10. The brand and age of the technology you use.
11. The prices or fees you charge.
12. The type of offers you use to attract new clients.
13. The range of services you provide, especially in relation to how similar they are to what your competitors offer.
14. The confidence you inspire in others when you connect with them.
15. The way you respond to email enquiries, both in the speed and tone of your response.
16. The content you use on your website.
17. The places you choose to advertise.
18. The type of advertising messages you use.
19. The groups your business belongs to, plus those you don’t belong to.
20. The energy you have for your business.
21. The way you connect with people on social networks.
22. The time it takes you to make a decision.
23. The quality of the photos and other images you use.
24. The address you work from.
25. The type of clients or customers you choose to work with.
26. The type of clients or customers you choose not to work with.
27. The leadership you demonstrate.
28. The guarantees you offer.
29. The flexibility you show, when a client or customer has a unique challenge.
30. The professionalism of your marketing copy.
31. The working atmosphere you provide.
32. The way you communicate with your clients or customers.
33. The way you handle problems, both internally as well as external (client) problems.
34. The regularity with which you achieve deadlines.
35. The way you and your team dress.

It’s all marketing. Everything your business does (or fails to do) is marketing. That’s to say, it’s telling people a story about your business. It’s setting their expectations. It’s building confidence in your services or creating doubt. It’s telling them what your priorities are. It’s positioning your business as a sound investment or an unnecessary risk.

In short, if you run a business, you are already engaged in marketing. And you’re doing it all day, every day. So the question is never if you market your business or not. The question is whether you’re doing it correctly and intentionally or not.

This article was sourced from: jimsmarketingblog.com