CWDi Hosting 67 Logos Designathon

CWDi Hosting Second 67 Logos Designathon

CWDi is inviting designers and small businesses to join the second 67 Logos Designathon, which will take place on 18 July 2019 in Johannesburg and Cape Town. The Designathon is a movement that will see 67 designers coming together to design 67 logos for 67 small businesses. 

Designers will make a pledge to design a uniquely crafted logo for small businesses that are looking for a professional logo to kick start their businesses into full gear.
The designers will be selected and matched with the businesses based on their profiles, passions and experience. Designers will have three hours to execute on their brief and when not collaborating on the logo design process, business owners can attend an impactful skills development workshop.
Last year’s 67 Logos Designathon had a huge impact. Based on the survey results done by CWDi, 80% of the business owners say that their donated logos have made a hugely positive difference to their businesses: 85% say that their clients’ perception has changed for the better as a result of their new logos; 74% reached their 2018 business goals and 60% say that their logo directly contributed to their success in 2018.
Nwabisa Mayema, co-creator of nnfinity said, ‘Our logo has helped bring more focus into the business, it has made the journey that much clearer and that much more sure-footed.  I had someone in Austria say, ‘Wow, this logo makes me so happy and I love how you have translated it into your social media presence.  It makes me so happy to follow you.’ It is also so distinct.’
‘Being part of the 67 Logos Designathon was a wonderful experience!  From developing a logo for a small business to meeting the other designers involved, each step was an opportunity to connect with people, share ideas, develop skills and make a change. I am looking forward to being involved again this year,’ said designer Willem Myburgh.

Added to the campaign’s positive reach was a job opportunity. Matthew Arendse, a designer that participated in the 2018 67 Logos Designathon, is now a full-time employee as a designer at CWDi.