Ads24 Wins WAN-IFRA Advertising Innovation And DMA Assegai Leader Awards

Ads24 Wins WAN-IFRA Advertising Innovation And DMA Assegai Leader Awards
Gayle Edmunds, head of Content Hub, Ads24.

At the fourth edition of the global WAN-IFRA (World Association of News Publishers) Print Innovation Awards, Ads24’s Lil-let’s Talk campaign received top honours for Advertising Innovation. In collaboration with City Press and Daily Sun, the campaign provided a multi-media platform where people could learn more about topics such as menstruation and menopause from experts and find out more about Lil-let’s Talk platform.

The two news brands were selected because of their broad audiences beyond only those who menstruate to help dismantle stereotypes and broaden representation around these subjects.

Jurors praised the campaign, which ran across print, online and social media, for its thoughtful handling of content, noting that the topic of menstruation is rarely discussed. ‘I admire the team at Ads24 for their work and how they handled this important topic with such care,’ said one juror, while another praised the emphasis on creating good content evident throughout the campaign.

Ads24 has also earned an Assegai Leader Award for their City Press/Absa Money Makeover content campaign. This campaign provides 6 candidates with expert help in getting their finances in order and achieving their financial goals. The six are each paired with an adviser from the banking sponsor and supported through their journey by personal finance expert Maya Fisher-French.

‘We’re proud of, and grateful for, the recognition given to these two campaigns,’ said Gayle Edmunds, who heads up the Content Hub at Ads24. ‘This is a testament to the power and value of collaboration between media and business in working towards a shared purpose and social good. As the Lil-lets Talk and City Press Money Makeover campaigns have shown, such partnerships have the potential to make a real difference in people’s lives.’

‘Brands are continuously searching for quality of engagement with audiences,’ said Tasmia Ismael GM; Media24 Advertising Sales. ‘Having earned two prestigious awards affirms that we can achieve this for our customers in trustworthy, brand safe news environments, underpinned by unmatched storytelling.’