12 Ways To Get Audiences To Engage With Your Message Through Digital Signs

12 Ways To Get Audiences To Engage With Your Message Through Digital Signs

Doug Bannister, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer of Omnivex Corporation said that putting up media on digital signs isn’t enough. If you don’t ask your audience to respond in some way, you’ll never know if they’ve engaged with your message. That’s why it’s essential to include calls to action on digital signs.

It can be challenging to discover how to make a proper call to action with any medium, whether static or digital. However, there a few keys to making it work. First, you need to try to include a call to action, or some sort, in just about every message. Second, you should follow a few basic tactics to ensure your message gets through.

Below are 12 suggestions:
• Make sure the call to action is easy to see in the message – don’t bury it in lots of other text or pictures.
• Be clear, concise and specific.
• Write at an appropriate level for the audience.
• Prioritise verbs, then nouns, and only use adjectives sparsely.
• Use vivid language, and imperative verb forms (commands).
• Include trigger words that are considered to be persuasive.
• Make taking the action easy.
• Focus on the benefits to the audience and common needs.
• Create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action.
• Consider adding a small reward for taking the action immediately.
• Think about cross-promotion possibilities.
• Build some way to measure ROI into your calls to action so you can adjust future messages to be more effective.

This article was sourced from: digitalsignagetoday.com