WordStream Gives Tips On Google And Facebook Ads Optimisation

Wordstream Hosted Google And Facebook Ads Optimisation Webinar
Wordstream offices entrance.

WordStream recently hosted a webinar in which Conor Bond, Content marketer at WordStream, focused on Google Ads and Holly Niemiec, Account Manager at WordStream, discussed Facebook Ads optimisation.

Google Ads

Align your messaging with the customer journey

Adverts on Google are triggered by search query, therefore advertisers who are targeting a keyword that matches to the query get a hit. Keywords help Google Ads determine which ads are relevant to the query. However, keywords shouldn’t be your copywriting focus – nobody clicks on an ad because of its keyword density. Write ads that meet people’s unique needs – worry less about keyword density and focus more on matching user intent and delivering value.

Tell people why they shouldn’t click on your ad

Sometimes, people with absolutely no interest in becoming your customer will click on your ads. Use your ad copy to tell people who your product is for and who it’s not for.

Don’t waste space on what users already know

Include a value proposition to give them a reason to click. People recognise benefits, not keywords, so make people want to click on an ad.

Optimise for smaller devices

Put your most crucial ad copy in the first and second headlines, otherwise mobile users might not see it. Your ad can still be great if your brand name gets axed. If your value prop or keyword gets axed? Not so much.

Facebook Ads

Test, test, test

Test the different elements of an ad: media, headline, above image text, call to action, link description and types of content. Only test one control at a time, use UTM parameters to capture lead quality and give the test time to run.

Blend in

Generally speaking, people don’t like being advertised to — especially when they’re just trying to post some photos or check in on their friends’ status updates. So try and blend in by having an engaging imagery or video. Don’t push lower-funnel actions to upper-funnel audiences and test copy and messaging that fits in with the platform.

Don’t shy away from long copy

Think about the content that you are pushing, the action that you want the prospect to take and how familiar they are with your brand. But don’t add long copy just to add long copy, consider the story you are trying to tell with your ad, and how you can best convey that to your audience.

Think carefully about who is seeing your ad

Don’t be afraid to be creative and message things differently for different audiences. Curate ads that align with the customer journey and tell a story through your audience funnel.
