Webafrica Uses Graffiti To Produce A Billboard Of The Internet And Your Imagination

Webafrica Uses Graffiti To Produce A Billboard Of The internet And Your Imagination

Webafrica commissioned Cape Town graffiti artist, Falko, to showcase how your imagination is the limit with the internet. Why else would you see ‘Rocket Ellie’ making her way across a billboard on the N1 in Cape Town? 

Over a period of six weeks, Falko updated the billboard five times until Rocket Ellie was hurtling through space from one side of the billboard to the other, eventually disappearing off the billboard. The final version of the billboard sees Rocket Ellie mid-flight in outer space, jetpack in action and ready to see where her imagination (and the internet) will take her.

Tim Wyatt-Gunning, CEO of Webafrica, said that it was a fortuitous encounter with Falko on an adventure in Africa that saw them conceptualise the evolving billboard. ‘We’re about finding that line between what’s expected from an ISP, and the limitless realms of your imagination…and then smudging it out. The internet is not just about tech-savvy people doing tech-savvy things. It’s really all about you and where your imagination takes you. The underlying concept behind Rocket Ellie has been floating around our office for a while now, meeting Falko was the catalyst we needed to make the idea into something tangible.’

‘The internet is big, and its reach is wide, kind of like an elephant with a rocket pack hurtling across the sky. Is it relevant to an ISP? Maybe, maybe not. We just feel that we need billboards that go beyond advertising because Webafrica is beyond internet.’

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