We The People SA’s Campaign Adapts Bill Of Rights To Resonate With Gen Z

We The People SAs Campaign Adapts Bill Of Rights To Resonate With Gen Z

We the People SA, an NPO dedicated to nation-building and promoting knowledge and understanding of the Constitution, has launched #TheBillOfTweets. This campaign translates the 4675-word Bill of Rights into 15 concise and relatable tweets, using local contemporary phrases, words and slang. This is the world’s first Bill of Rights reimagined with contemporary local language to resonate with Gen Z.

‘By translating the formal language of the Bill of Rights into contemporary slang and phrases, the campaign helps demystify important legal rights and protections, fostering a stronger connection between the youth and their constitutional rights,’ commented Mbali Baduza, CEO of We the People SA.

‘This increased awareness and understanding can empower young people to actively participate in democratic processes, advocate for their rights and contribute to nation-building efforts,’ added Baduza.

We the People SA is dedicated to helping all South Africans understand that nation-building is a long-term process requiring sustained commitment, engagement, and patience. Achieving meaningful progress can take years if not decades. They believe that all citizens must actively pursue this commitment by participating in elections, engaging in continuous dialogue with public representatives, and holding them accountable.

South Africans can follow the full #BillOfTweets thread on X here.
