Vantage Digital Assists With Covid-19 Awareness Billboards Campaign


Vantage Digital, together with Face First Media, Outsmart, SB Outdoor, Go Big Media, Ad Outpost, Kenna Media, Black Media, Jinja Outdoor, Mamela Media, Absolute Outdoor, Mhambi Properties, Rivoni Advertising, Lerfam Media and Red Dot Branding, launched a series of billboards depicting Covid-19 media awareness messages to the masses.

Over 2500 square metres were printed for this campaign. Donovan Kerr, Sales Director at Vantage Digital, said, ‘It is during times like these that people stand together and because of times like these that Vantage Digital has stepped up. We have the means to help and therefore, decided to assist with launching the Vantage Covid-19 awareness campaign. In a country such as ours, we cannot rely on social media and television alone to spread the word as well as vital educational awareness of a virus that affects the mass population. Not all population groups have access to such sources and yet are all equally vulnerable.’

Our industry, along with every industry in South Africa and worldwide will be affected by this pandemic unfortunately, but as Zig Ziglar stated, ‘It’s not what happens to you that determines how far you’ll go in life; it is how you handle what happens to you’. Let’s stand together as an industry and as a nation and push forth now and post-pandemic! Over 50 billboards and several banners were printed at no charge and rolled out into key areas to promote awareness. Once again we would like thank our loyal media owners for making this whole campaign possible.‘