Transit.TV: Delivering Highly Effective, Incremental Reach

Transit.TV: Delivering Highly Effective, Incremental Reach

Shamendran Naidu, Executive: Transit Ads, shared key research insights into how and why digital television network Transit.TV delivers highly effective, incremental reach when bundled with terrestrial TV campaigns.

As marketers, we know that TV viewing is no longer limited to the living room. Today’s viewers watch what they want, when they want across multiple devices and screens. In this respect there is no doubt that television viewing has become fragmented and this is posing a challenge for brands and agencies. So how do you maintain reach and continue to influence viewers? We conducted a research study with Kantar Millward Brown Media Research and the results confirmed what we already knew – reach and influence is incrementally augmented when marketing campaigns include both terrestrial television and Transit.TV. Because the campaigns reach the right audience at the right time and when they are in the right frame of mind, there is far less wastage and brands receive a much higher level of ROI.

Let’s take a step back and outline the background. Our view is that linear broadcast TV will remain the centre of gravity for the video ecosystem in the foreseeable future, across nearly all audiences. However, we also expect to see viewing diversifying out from this centre as devices, distribution and consumption are enabled by current and emerging technologies that support video.

Effective video strategy

The most effective video advertising strategies will be those that have a unified and holistic approach to the video ecosystem, as opposed to those that only activate via silo-solutions, and only solve one part of the equation. With fragmented audiences presented with a variety of advertising assimilation options, marketers need to ensure that campaigns strategically engage with audiences in ways that are very effective.

As part of the Kantar Millward Brown Media Research, we worked with key category leading brands to shed light on Transit.TV’s role in complementing TV and driving cost-effective incremental reach.

A variety of campaigns, with a core focus on the LSM B market, across various sectors – FMCG, retailer, financial institution and QSR – with different TV investment strategies, were chosen for the study.

Incremental reach

The results showed that all the campaigns experienced high levels of incremental reach when Transit.TV was used in conjunction with TV.

Regardless of the length of the TV campaign, or the Rate Card TV investment, or the TV planning strategy; Transit.TV was able to deliver incremental reach above TV in every case. The incremental reach ranged from 8% to a staggering 50%, proving that Transit.TV offers media planners a way to connect with audiences that cannot be reached on TV alone. Campaigns that achieved a TV reach of 70%+ and included Transit.TV, all benefitted from double (or triple) campaign frequency, due to high overlaps in exposure.

Furthermore, GRP delivery for Transit.TV channels was impressive, given the level of investment. Brands that wish to target core LSM B commuters can expect GRP delivery anywhere from 900 to 2000 GRPS (depending on the packages and timeframe chosen).

The power of out of home advertising is to constantly remind consumers of a brand message. An array of opportunities exists for advertisers wanting to penetrate a highly sought-after, economically active market segment.