Training Tomorrow’s Marketers Is A Social And Business Imperative

Training Tomorrow’s Marketers Is A Social And Business Imperative

The Nedbank IMC, taking place on the 29 July 2021, is putting the spotlight on scarce skills through its bursary programme. Key drivers of the Nedbank IMC are to advance the business case for marketing and to uplift the youth.

With marketing skills ranked 52 out of South Africa’s top 100 scarce skills, training tomorrow’s marketers deserves top billing as both a social and business imperative. Recent global research by the CMO Council has indicated that senior marketers believe a lack of experience and capability has resulted in many missed opportunities for customer acquisition and revenue growth. ‘As an industry we must seek out, nurture and retain talent,’ said IMC CEO Dale Hefer.

Since its premiere in 2019, the Nedbank IMC has contributed significantly in ticket value available to marketing and business students. This year – in addition to over 100 complimentary tickets – the conference is offering a 50% discounted ticket price to students. But it doesn’t end there: the bursary scheme is a further layer in encouraging potential young talent into the world of marketing.

MSC Education Holdings has been involved with the Nedbank IMC since 2019, providing two bursaries per year to learners for enrolment in either the 12-month FET Educational Certificate in Marketing programme or the 24-month National Diploma in Marketing. Throughout their studies, the selected candidates are personally guided and provided with opportunities for hands-on involvement in marketing activities via the School.

MSC Chief Operations Officer Carol Taggart said, ‘We believe strongly in upliftment and partnering with a like-minded organisation such as the Nedbank IMC provides us with the right opportunity.’

Nedbank itself is no stranger to youth upliftment and is a signatory to government’s Youth Employment Scheme (YES) CEO pledge.

Nedbank Group Executive for Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Khensani Nobanda said, ‘The IMC’s commitment to both business imperatives and youth upliftment resonates strongly with us.’

For two individuals in 2021, that talent might just get noticed. To find out more, click here.

If you are a registered marketing or business student in South Africa or Africa please email to purchase your discounted ticket (R999.00 excluding VAT).

+27 10 592 1888