The Power Of Influencers In The Marketing Landscape

The Power Of Influencers In The Marketing Landscape
Source: Canva.

According to, as with many areas of the digital space, the last couple of months has seen influencer marketing become a vital component in the marketing landscape. Instead of influencers focusing on educating their audiences around their passion points, they are linking to a platform that allows their followers to purchase the product within their social feeds.

We know that online shopping has become one of the most popular phrases, following perhaps Covid-19, vaccination and ‘My Fellow South Africans’. But how are the shoppers that traditionally relied on in-store experiences to make purchasing decisions managing with the new reality of online shopping? By listening.

‘They’re listening to what their friends, family and other people are saying about online shopping, but they’re listening to it online too,’ said Matthew Leighton, Creative Director at ‘And these brand and product sentiments are not coming from the uber-popular celebrity types, they’re coming from social media connections, friends of friends and Instagram feeds.’

Although word of mouth referrals and reviews have always been some of the most authentic ways to generate brand loyalty and credibility, the concept is also possibly one of the most powerful ways to move products online today. ‘What we’ve found interesting is that the influencers with the smaller followings generally drive the best engagement – which aligns to global 2021 influencer marketing trends. This is why we recently ran a brand ambassador search where we appealed to our customers to send us videos and chose the best candidates, narrowed them down to a final two and are now working closely with them to deliver authentic content that most of us can relate to,’ said Leighton.

The quintessential opportunity in influencer marketing will lie in how e-commerce companies optimise that influencer activity, by pushing customers through the sales funnel journey whilst delivering a great experience and offering value.

‘People like connecting with real people. In an uncertain world, the comfort of other people’s lives, lifestyle or shopping preferences can offer a way for people to relate to their own real-life environments, and that can become the catalyst to influencing their behaviours,’ concluded Leighton.