The Path Ahead For Business, Marketing And Advertising In 2022

The Path Ahead For Business, Marketing And Advertising In 2022
Aisha Pandor, CEO and co-founder at SweepSouth

For a large number of businesses, 2021 was unquestionably a year of transformation. They were forced to change their business models – for both consumers and employees – and to accelerate the adoption of new digital processes. Consumer behaviour shifted, budgets were cut and businesses were pushed to innovate or risk losing market share to competitors.

If there’s one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us, it is that we shouldn’t try to predict the future. After all, who could have foreseen a pandemic that is still wreaking havoc across the globe nearly two years later?

While continual lockdowns have had a detrimental effect on some companies, others have prospered and innovated, seizing new opportunities. Because when faced with adversity, humanity frequently triumphs. The world will continue to change, and, together, we can use what we have learnt to better meet and service shifting consumer and social trends.

Experts from several fields discuss the trends they think will shape the coming year:

1. Adapt and be prepared to pivot

Predictions of any kind are best avoided, and this is especially true in a business as dynamic and fast-paced as marketing and advertising. Having said that, clear trends have emerged that are only likely to gain further traction in 2022.

‘In-housing – the move towards decentralised production and the in-sourcing of digital and creative work from agencies to an internal capability – is set to grow, as more brands opt to take these functions in-house, both to save costs and to accelerate digital transformation,’ said Reagen Kok, CEO at Hoorah Digital.

The application of data to inform creative work will remain a priority in 2022, though the challenge will be to ensure it’s done responsibly and in a way that adds true customer value. ‘But rather than fixate on trends for 2022, our focus will be on ensuring we are a consultancy with an ear to the ground, with the culture that allows us to pivot, to adapt and to respond to a world where change is the only constant,’ said Kok.

2. The future of work is hybrid

The Covid-19 pandemic was the catalyst that allowed us to rethink how we work. Remote work and flexibility, now the mainstay of thousands of employees around the world, was all but unthinkable as recently as the beginning of 2020. Today, employees are demanding the best of both: the flexibility of working from home and the option to work from an office as and when needed.

‘The year 2022 is set to be the year that business leaders get serious about a hybrid working model if they want to retain top talent,’ said David Seinker, founder and CEO of The Business Exchange. ‘This model is ideally positioned for a combination of remote work and in-office work and takes the needs of both the employer and employee into consideration by responding with a solution that is cost-effective for the former and appealing to the latter.’

The Path Ahead For Business In 2022
David Seinker, founder and CEO of The Business Exchange

Within the hybrid model, the serviced office space has become a popular solution. There’s a growing demand for serviced office space across the country. ‘In our own business, we’ve seen significant interest from both SMEs and corporates looking for a more flexible office solution,’ Seinker said.

According to Seinker, the hybrid working model will likely see even greater growth in 2022, especially among corporates who hadn’t considered it before, signaling a substantial shift in how we’ve always assumed work should be done.

3. Well-being at work

The past few years have seen many more women reaching the leadership positions they have long been qualified for. For Aisha Pandor, CEO and co-founder at SweepSouth, this is a positive trend that will just grow stronger in 2022. ‘The trend of women in leadership should be supported in its upward ascent, but one of the challenges that working women have long faced is that we focus so myopically on our careers and reaching career goals that our overall happiness and well-being can take a back seat,’ said Pandor.

She continued, ‘for years we’ve held onto this notion of being superwomen, of being able to balance it all and neatly divide our lives and personalities between home and work, ping-ponging between the two and ignoring one to the benefit of the other.’

The pandemic has taught us to take stock of what matters in life. A moment has arrived where women are realising that it is good for mental well-being to show up holistically at work, not only as career women, but also as moms and partners who are multi-faceted and balancing multiple responsibilities, skill-sets and interests.

‘We are integrated people, and it’s an unrealistic expectation that we shouldn’t reveal our full selves in the workplace or subscribe to the belief that it’s a no-no to address the fact that you need to make time in your day and your week for your family or yourself,’ said Pandor.

4. Collaborative digital ecosystems

One trend that will continue to grow in 2022 is for businesses to reconsider their operating models and migrate to a collaborative digital ecosystem that enables all employees to connect to and service client requests.

‘Businesses have recognised the importance of accelerating digital transformation inside the workplace to better meet requirements of employees by enabling them to work in a hybrid model of remote and in-office work locations,’ said Greg Gatherer, Liferay Africa’s Account Manager.

The Path Ahead For Business In 2022
Greg Gatherer, Liferay Africa’s Account Manager.

In addition, in 2022, there will be a greater focus on organisational efficiency. Businesses will be much more productive if they use technology to automate, use digital workflows and eliminate manual processes.

‘Using digital experience platforms to allow customers to serve themselves without the need to interact with staff, and driving customer interaction and engagement within the digital world will be a key driver in 2022,’ said Gatherer.

The path ahead

South Africa has experienced a tumultuous year thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, political tensions, as well as a vaccine rollout that took a while to hit the ground running. Over the next year, we need to be careful how we measure our economic recovery. We need to separate the economic indicators which are influenced by the rich getting richer, and use indicators that translate into the increased quality of life of our most vulnerable citizens.

This approach should enable us to not only rebuild the economy as it was, but also to establish a more inclusive future. ‘This will not be an easy path to follow, but the last year has prompted many of us to reflect on what truly matters in life and how precious time is. We cannot rely on others to make a change, when we are unwilling to do so ourselves,’ Pandor explained.