The Graphic Ballroom Updates Biscuit Brand

The Graphic Ballroom Updates Biscuit Brand

Launched in 1851, most South Africans would have grown up with the Bakers biscuits brand, experiencing a deep emotional connection and familiarity to it. Any changes to its packaging would therefore need to be subtle, not to alienate loyal fans, yet impactful enough to remain current and attract new consumers.

Several factors influence purchasing decisions, however when it comes to a time-honoured biscuit brand like Bakers biscuits, it’s usually brand loyalty that plays a major part.

‘Trying to get the balance right between modern and contemporary was a challenge our design team embraced with much enthusiasm,’ said Jason Forbes, owner, and founder of The Graphic Ballroom (GBR), who are the dynamic design team responsible for the recent updating of all 33 of Bakers biscuit brands. From the savoury range like Provita, Cream Crackers, Wheatsworth and Salticrax to the sweet ranges such as Romany Creams, EET-SUM-MOR, and Jolly Jammers, to name a few.

To achieve this update, GBR used conscious design in their approach comprising both a design awareness of the potential long-term and unintended consequences of what they design and a continuous experimentation of the design process to build a more sustainable product.

‘GBR has worked with National Brands for 15 years and so we have shared the journey of product packaging innovation for a number of years. As with many FMCG brands, food photography is a key component of the packaging. With styling constantly changing, updating this is essential in creating a modern fresh pack. We also brought out the variants especially in the Salticrax and Kips ranges, by accentuating the different colours on each pack and by only slightly tweaking the brand’s identity colours, we’ve managed to achieve longevity.’

Many of the finishes applied during production, used updated technologies to achieve techniques such as embossing, spot varnishing and sand varnishing which have created a full sensual, end-user experience and has helped to showcase Bakers use of real ingredients in their products.

Through innovative and conscious design GBR has managed to produce packaging that continues to appeal to consumers, young and old, who are looking for their moment in perfection, a process of cognitive suspension that drives consumer behaviour.

The Graphic Ballroom