Sunshine D Brief DUKE To Launch Their New Look And Taste In Latest Campaign

Sunshine D Brief DUKE To Launch Their New Look And Taste In Latest Campaign

DUKE is getting taste buds talking in the new Sunshine D campaign. The campaign idea ‘Tastes nice. No lies’ is underpinned by the premise that if your taste buds could speak, they’d be animated and have a lot to say, but more importantly, they’d love the new Sunshine D – and would never lie. The idea translated beautifully across television, radio, out of home (OOH), social media and tasting activations.

When the team at Sunshine D briefed DUKE to launch the new look and taste, one of the key objectives was to build awareness and get consumers to taste the new, improved product. Knowing that the taste of the margarine would re-ignite consumers’ love for the product, the DUKE team set their sights on a fully integrated campaign that would create a big impact.

‘We understood that we needed to meet consumers wherever they were – in their homes, in shopping centres, online and while travelling. It was a great opportunity for us to come up with a creative idea that would effectively translate across all media platforms,’ said Zanele Zwane, MD at DUKE.

‘Who would have thought that margarine could be so much fun? It’s amazing to have a client that’s always keen to try something different and redefine the category,’ said Doug Larter, Creative Director at DUKE.

With bold, impactful designs across OOH and social media, consumers were introduced to the new look and taste, as well as the talking taste bud campaign idea. The campaign also included a competition which integrated seamlessly across media channels and drove consumers to win their share of R2 million in prizes. The radio spots feature talking tastebuds, calling out for more Sunshine D and entertaining across a range of executions.

In the TV ads, there are two scenarios where, after tasting new Sunshine D, taste buds just can’t lie. In one there is a driver pulled over by a traffic cop who approaches the driver’s window and asks him if he knows why she pulled him over. He is busy enjoying a sandwich with Sunshine D and confesses to various transgressions, including the fact that it is not his car – and that the driver is locked in the boot.

The Taste Challenge activations saw consumers across the country being hooked up to the ‘Sunshine D-tector’ that gives a voice to consumers’ taste buds (even if the voice isn’t their own). It makes for a taste activation of a truly different and memorable kind.

‘We’re delighted with the positioning and creative platform that we have developed with DUKE. If early indications are an accurate barometer, we look forward to great results for our much-loved consumer brand. Looks good, no lies!’ said Ishvar Hurbans, Brand Manager at Willowton Group.

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