Sun Circle Group Gathering Survey Statistics To Help The Event Industry


The Sun Circle Group states that the technical production and live events industry in South Africa has been one of the hardest hit under the current Disaster Management Act, enacted by the government on 15 March 2020.

Stakeholders in the industry, such as SACIA, TPSA and the SA Events Council, have been trying to engage with the government since the start of the lockdown, but few gains have been made.

These industry statistics are desperately required to present to government:
– The event industry’s contribution to the GDP.
– The number of people employed by the sector.
– Job losses and business distress.
– Lack of workable Business Relief Funding.

To contribute to these statistics and take the Events Industry Business Survey, click hereAll individual company information is private and confidential and is only used to build statistics to be presented as a collective report. No individual company’s information will be disclosed in any reports or to any party other than the researcher from Sun Circle Publishers and the auditor from Contador Accountants.

Participants agree for the research company to contact them should the need arise to clarify any of the questions. Read their Privacy Policy here and Terms and ConditionsThe research is conducted by Sun Circle Publishers and audited by Contador Accountants.