Signs Of Positivity Shares Uplifting Messages And Provides Powerful Brand Building Opportunities

Signs Of Positivity Shares Uplifting Messages And Provides Powerful Brand Building Opportunities

Signs of Positivity provides far-reaching benefits for both society and a brand that chooses to be a sponsor. Their goal is to change South Africa for the better through schools, because they believe a better future starts in the minds of our youth. The model has been created to cater for the many schools that are not able to afford what they are offering.

Many children face a barrage of adverse forces daily in the form of domestic violence, varying levels of neglect, substance abuse, bullying and the negative influence of some social media content, all of which affect their worldview, the type of adults they will become and how they contribute to society.

Signs of Positivity aims to provide a daily counter-force to these social obstacles through visual positive reinforcement. The external and internal signs on walls inside each school build self-worth, good work ethic, empathy, gratitude, respect, self-drive and inner strength within the minds of future adults. They believe that this is one sure way to really change the future, and are collaborating with like-minded organisations who see moral support and positive reinforcement also as basic needs.

‘Aside from improving the mindsets of our youth, the model provides a powerful brand building opportunity for a sponsor,’ said Signs of Positivity’s founder, Reg Pakari. ‘A brand that sponsors Signs of Positivity checks a few important marketing boxes, including brand awareness, brand exposure, high dwell time, frequency, being top-of-mind and a strong association of the brand with positivity – all with a captive audience and a future customer base that is likely to develop a conscious and subconscious affinity for the sponsoring brand over time. The intake of new learners every year into schools also increases the number of new impressions. Furthermore, the sponsor is able to allocate their sponsorship to a school of their choice.’

The signs will last for 8 to 10 years, if not longer, and the cost to the sponsoring brand is a once off fee per school. The sponsorship provides each school with 10 large outdoor signs and 90 smaller indoor signs.

Signs of Positivity went back to some schools and asked the learners what their favourite sign is and why. Here are some of their responses.

‘Beyond the signs, we also produce stickers, key rings and fridge magnets that match the signs at the schools so the messages spread into homes. These can also have the sponsoring brand’s logo on them as well. We will also be producing many other items like water bottles, puzzles and anything we can think of to spread positive vibes as far and wide as possible,’ added Pakari.

Reg Pakari
+27 82 438 4248
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