Sign Africa And FESPA Africa Announce Midcomp/Direct Color Systems T-Shirt Design Competition Winner

Sign Africa And FESPA Africa Announce Midcomp/Direct Color Systems T-Shirt Design Competition Winner

Loren Fisher was crowned the winner of the Midcomp/Direct Color Systems T-shirt 2018 Design Competition, which took place at the FESPA Africa and Sign Africa expos from 12-14 September 2018 at Gallagher Convention Centre. Fisher won a cash prize of R5000, runner-up Amanda Steyn won R2500 and the second runner-up, Palesa Fekefeke, won R1500.

– Submitted designs had to comprise of the ‘Where T-Shirt Printing Takes Off’ theme.
– Contestants had to post their designs on either the FESPA Africa or Sign Africa Facebook page.
– Facebook posts caption needed to include the words ‘Where T-Shirt Printing Takes Off’ along with the hashtag #FESPAAfrica or #SignAfricaExpo.
– Contestants had to get as many likes as possible for their design to be printed and showcased at the FESPA Africa and Sign Africa Expo.

The top 15 entrants’ designs were then printed and showcased at the event’s registration area for the public vote, where Fisher’s design gathered most votes.

Sign Africa