Shop! SA Shopper Marketing Awards Calls For Entries

Shop SA Shopper Marketing Awards Calls For Entries

Shop! SA Shopper Marketing Awards gives brand manufacturers, retailers, creative agencies, and production houses the opportunity to showcase their work, motivate their marketing teams, build credibility in their trading community, and establish themselves as leaders in the market. 2024 entries are now open.

Shop! SA founder and MD, Di Wilson, said that Shop! exists globally to further excellence in the ‘Marketing at Retail’ industry. ‘Our goals, as Shop! SA, are to upskill the entire shopper marketing value-chain, facilitate networking and collaboration, and recognise outstanding achievements. This year’s awards build on learnings from our inaugural awards event held last year, and aim to foster and reward excellence.’

Cecil W Ungerer of Smart Media, a 2023 winner, said that the Shop! SA awards inject a fresh perspective into the industry by recognising outstanding achievements, and that a local win is a springboard to global recognition: ‘It was incredibly gratifying to win awards in three different categories. Moreover, clinching a gold paved the way for Smart Media to compete on the world stage and demonstrate to the world that we are a formidable presence to be acknowledged. The Shop! SA awards serve as a strong reminder that innovation yields rewards.’

The driving force behind the awards comprises industry stalwarts Janet Kirkbride, Chris Hewitt, Grant Hillary and Rashree Maharaj, along with Wilson. The 2023 judging panel included Carl Willoughby, Mamapudi Nkgadima, Carla Gontier, John Clark, Andy Sutcliffe, Craig Lodge and Phil Day, and the sponsors were Barrows, H&A, Online, and Point.

‘A key judging criteria was the demonstration of insight-led shopper executions that delivered commercial results for brands and retailers. Stringent judging standards, combined with our judges’ experience, gave us a massive credibility boost as we set out to put shopper marketing on the map. This year, we’re building on our credibility to offer targeted categories and deliver a bigger event,’ said Wilson.

Enter online here. Entries will close end of July, 2024. Judging will be done in August and finalists announced in September. The awards evening will be held in November. ‘If you are actively involved in shopper marketing, back yourself by submitting entries that showcase your leading work,’ concluded Wilson.