See Branding Solutions For Targeted Advertising Campaigns At The Graphics, Print And Sign Expo

See Branding Solutions For Targeted Advertising Campaigns At The Graphics, Print And Sign Expo

Location-based advertising allows for targeted campaigns and good levels of engagement, especially in settings where there is high footfall and dwell time.

One example of this environment is service stations. Lightstone revealed that the average motorist stops at a service station approximately nine times per month. ‘This tells us that consumers are stopping more often at stations than is required simply to refuel,’ said Linda Reid, Head of Commercial Property at Lightstone.

According to Tractor Outdoor, in advertising, location is everything. ‘With the war for consumers’ attention heating up, location-based advertising presents an opportunity for brands to target consumers with laser focus. This is because marketing messages can be placed in contextually relevant locations like malls, gyms, office blocks and bars, matching the message to the likely activity and thus increasing the likelihood of conversion.’

The Graphics, Print and Sign Expo is an ideal opportunity to see impactful advertising and branding solutions that ensure your marketing messages stand out. The event is taking place from 14-16 September at the Gallagher Convention Centre, 9am-5pm. Modern Marketing is a proud media partner of the expo.

The show will take place 9am to 5pm daily. Entrance is free. For more information and to register online, click here. The event is sponsored by Platinum sponsors Roland DG South Africa and Stixo Signage Supplies.

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