Scan Display Participates In Goodbye Malaria Airport Kiosk Roll-out

Scan Display Participates In Goodbye Malaria Airport Kiosk Roll-out
Scan Display’s retail division, Scan Retail, was excited to be appointed to supply the airport kiosks for the Goodbye Malaria project. This is the story of how a simple retail product can be used creatively and effectively in a life-saving project.

Goodbye Malaria is an initiative started by African entrepreneurs who believe that African creativity can solve one of Africa’s biggest problems: Malaria.

  • There were 214 million cases of Malaria reported worldwide in 2015.
  • 90% of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 70% of deaths from malaria are children under the age of five.

One of the ways Goodbye Malaria funds its campaigns and activities is by retailing beautiful shweshwe goods and cotton T-shirts, and it was fitting that they decided to position their retail outlets in airport kiosks around the country – to help send this lethal bug packing.

The benefits of using retail kiosks for a project like this are that they are less costly than renting a traditional retail space; they can be strategically positioned where the campaign’s target market is; and they are available in a wide range of designs, with optional features and accessories that ensure they can be fully customised to suit a brand’s identity.

The first roll-out of Goodbye Malaria’s retail kiosks began at the OR Tambo International Airport in April 2016, where one of Scan Retail’s existing kiosks was refurbished to suit its requirements. After this, two more kiosks were manufactured and installed in different locations within OR Tambo.

Melfred Malander, the Scan Retail account executive who ran with this project, said, ‘Goodbye Malaria was happy with the shopping kiosks, and at the end of last year we installed two more kiosks, one at George Airport and one at Cape Town International Airport. This time, instead of opting for our Modular Retail Kiosks, which come in standard designs, they went with a custom-designed kiosk to meet their exact needs.’

SCAN DISPLAY (+27 11) 447 4777