Sanlam And King James Inspire Great Acts Of Change With Launch Of #NeverBeenABetterTime Campaign 


Sanlam collaborated with creative agency King James Group on its newly launched social initiative, #NeverBeenABetterTime, which aims to inspire South Africans to do good, and to see the good in others and our country.

Right now, according to Stats SA, there are more than 13,000 under-threes in South Africa named Enzokuhle. Around 6000 of these are girls and 7000 are boys. It was by far the country’s most popular first name in both 2017 and 2018. While naming trends are nothing new, the interesting part of this one is what it symbolises: Enzokuhle means ‘To Do Good’. According to Sanlam, the pervasive use of the name symbolises an underlying zeitgeist of positivity in South Africa and presents an opportunity to galvanise an ethos of doing good for others. 

Sanlam believes that actions can add even more meaning to our names. Enzokuhle is surrounded by many similarly positive names. There are many more examples of great men and women who have lived up to their names and made a positive difference in the world. Siyamthanda means ‘we love him’, Zenzile means ‘the one who can overcome life’s obstacles, and make a way for herself’, Mpilo means ‘the one who brings life’, Nadine means ‘the courage of the bear’, Trevor means ‘ambitious’, Pomeza means ‘chosen to fulfil’ and Thuso means ‘the one who will help’.

Sydney Mbhele, Chief Executive for Brand at Sanlam, said South Africans are reaching for positivity, for good and for hope for our nation’s future. ‘At Sanlam, we were so moved by the many acts of hope and humanity we have seen this year in South Africa, which is why we decided to create a community for good.’

The Sanlam Group has invested more than R530 million over the past 10 years, on a range of imperatives to uplift the lives of South Africans. ‘We believe in doing well by doing good. #NeverBeenABetterTime is evidence of our continued, passionate commitment to doing good for our nation,’ said Mbhele.

‘The more we document acts of kindness and positivity, the more we will all be inspired to act for the good of others and the country,’ Mbhele continued. ‘And what better way to start this conversation than with the powerful story behind the country’s most popular baby name?’

Jared Osmond, creative director at King James, commented, ‘The insight hit us between the eyes. It was individually decided, by thousands of parents living in a country that’s in a tumultuous time, to name their children with intention, and to make them the good of the future.’

Osmond said, given the fact that the meanings of so many names are incredibly special, Sanlam is challenging South Africans to analyse the meaning of their name and to commit to living up to this meaning. ‘It is clear that our parents had the very best intentions when naming us. So we are saying, let’s collectively live up to our names and do good.’

Sanlam is asking South Africans to visit its social channels and explain what their name means and how they’ll live up to it using #NeverBeenABetterTime. The prize on offer is R10,000 for the charity of the winner’s choice. T&Cs apply.  

There are many more wonderful initiatives planned for 2020 under the #NeverBeenABetterTime banner. Follow and join the conversation by visiting,
