Red & Yellow Challenging Corporates To Help Change Entrepreneurs’ Lives For Mandela Day

Red & Yellow Challenging Corporates To Help Change 67 Young Black Entrepreneurs' Lives For Mandela Day

The Red & Yellow Creative School of Business is challenging corporates, patrons of education and successful SMEs to contribute to Mandela Day by helping empower 67 young, bright and budding entrepreneurs.

These entrepreneurs are poised for greatness, but lack the financial means, skills, knowledge and know-how to turn great ideas into successful businesses.

On 30 July 2018, Red & Yellow will launch a truly revolutionary, blended-learning Entrepreneurship in Action 10-week online course. The course will give young entrepreneurs and small business owners the tools and insights they need to build sustainable businesses and become employers in their communities. For every deserving student sponsored, Red & Yellow will match it with another.

‘This Mandela Day Challenge is not a quick fix; it is a powerful step in the direction of sustainable and uplifting transformation,’ commented course lecturer Karen Hidden.