Publicis Groupe Africa And IFICA Survey Will Create Africa’s First Benchmark Report For Internal Communications

Publicis Groupe Africa And IFICA Survey Will Create Africa's First Benchmark Report For Internal Communications

In partnership with IFICA (Institute for Internal Communications Africa), Publicis Groupe Africa has launched Africa’s first industry-wide internal communications benchmark survey. Aimed at creating the continent’s first benchmark report for internal communications, the survey’s results will be published in a whitepaper by Publicis Groupe Africa and IFICA, providing internal communications specialists across the continent with open-source insights and best practice.

Internal communications specialists from across the continent are invited to take part in the survey, to ensure the benchmark report is as representative and accurate as possible.

The survey is anonymous; metrics and information shared are not linked to anyone’s name or company name.

Publicis Groupe Africa, which has a specialist internal communications team housed within one of its agencies, Machine_, is proud to support IFICA and internal communications specialists across the continent in this endeavour. ‘We are passionate about the role internal communications plays as the foundation for any successful organisation,’ said Machine_’s Chief Content Officer Sarah Browning-de Villiers, who also serves on IFICA’s Advisory Board. ‘Without an energised, connected employee base united by a clear strategy, vision and purpose, no business will achieve effective, sustainable growth – however compelling its external service or product proposition to customers may be.’

‘We have ambitions to produce an industry-wide benchmark report for internal comms across Africa – something to help us all unlock shared learnings and best practice across the internal comms specialisation on the continent,’ said Browning-de Villiers.