Primedia Outdoor Collaborates With DG Murray Trust For Early Childhood Development

Primedia Outdoor Collaborates With DG Murray Trust For Early Childhood Development

Primedia Outdoor recently joined forces with the Western Cape-based foundation DG Murray Trust (DGMT) in support of its commitments to develop South Africa’s potential. They embarked on a six-month campaign to generate a stronger demand for quality early learning and nutrition for young children.

Dr. David Harrison, CEO of DGMT said, ‘Children are the source of human capital. If we want to change the education system, grow the economy and create jobs, we must invest in young children. In fact, for every rand invested in quality early childhood development, South Africa will get at least R10 back, but with a quarter of our children nutritionally stunted and poorly equipped for school, we are shooting ourselves in the foot for the next 20 years at least.’

As part of this landmark collaboration, a total of 705 high-impact advertising panels along highways, main arterials and taxi ranks will feature key messaging from Nal’ibali, Grow Great and SmartStart – three innovative programmes focused on early learning, nutrition support and monitoring quality early learning services, respectively. Starting from September 2018, this charitable campaign will run across all nine provinces with a massive audience projection of 40 million people, targeting mainly parents and caregivers.

Commenting on the relevance of billboard campaigns for such large-scale community projects, Peter Lindstrom, Sales and Marketing Executive of Primedia Outdoor said, ‘Outdoor advertising has proven to be a powerful medium for reaching a captive audience with an exclusive message and promoting public conversations that are subject-matter specific. It, therefore, made a complete sense for Primedia Outdoor to back the foundation’s agenda in encouraging action to positively change children’s lives and this aligns perfectly with our brand values.’

This partnership is purely built on the grounds of proposing future-forward direction to ensure children have the best start in life and that they are able to unlock their maximum potential by all means. In true reality, such strategic investment creates significant possibilities to be the engine of public innovation and nurture a progressive society.
