Nielsen’s New Ad Intel Digital Provides Marketers With Actionable Cross-Platform Campaign Insights

Nielsens New Ad Intel Digital Provides Marketers With Actionable Cross-Platform Campaign Insights

The launch of Ad Intel Digital means that for the first time, advertisers in South Africa, media agencies and marketers can review and compare advertising activity across platforms that include digital, TV, radio, print (newspapers and magazines), cinema, direct mail and out-of-home across major, mid and minor categories covering approx. 2000+ active advertisers and 3000+ active brands.

Nielsen has launched Ad Intel Digital to complement its advertising monitoring and ad spend data tracking software to help marketers manage marketplace complexities. In addition, as paid social media advertising has increasingly become an imperative marketing tactic for brands to expand their online presence, Ad Intel Digital includes paid social media ad spend and creative information on request.

‘Consumers today have access to more media content across more platforms than ever before and marketers continue to increase their presence in the digital advertising channel where ROI can be measurable. To succeed and stay ahead, businesses need reliable advertising intelligence to develop efficient media strategies,’ said Terry Murphy, Managing Director for Nielsen Media, South Africa. ‘We’re pleased to announce that we will now be able to add digital to our advertising monitoring, providing a more holistic view across media platforms.’

The Ad Intel Digital solution captures paid advertising expenditure and creative data across monitored publisher websites. Marketers are provided with actionable cross-platform campaign insights through the intuitive online platform WizzAd+, with consistent brand and category views.

Information is collected daily by monitoring over 300 of South Africa’s frequently visited websites and includes data from both mobile and desktop users. The measurement identifies video and display adverts running on these sites, captures the creative, estimates the impressions, spend, placement and formats and can differentiate between programmatic and direct advert buys.

According to Murphy, the monitoring of digital ad spending has highlighted very interesting trends. For example, 84% of the digital spend recorded from January to May 2022 is from direct or non-programmatic placements which are linked to 29% of the total ad impressions while 16% of the spend is attributed to programmatic placements and accounts for 71% of the total ad impressions in this period.

What is more, marketers can now benefit from a more accurate representation of advertisers’ digital ad buys across categories. New Ad Intel Digital reveals that retail is currently leading the advertising spend chart, followed by Multimedia, B2B, FMCG – health and beauty.

Nielsen’s new offering in South Africa means that data can be analysed at a more granular level down to the device, ad buy type and ad formats. It’s interesting to note that of the total ad impressions, 57% are served programmatically and 20% are served directly on the desktop whereas, the break up for mobile is: 14% of ad impressions served programmatically and 9% placed directly.

‘Ad Intel assists in navigating a crowded media landscape with actionable insights to identify prospects, analyse brand strategies and learn from past advertising campaigns to plan for the next,’ concluded Murphy.