Next MAPS Installment On Track To Be Released In September

Next MAPS Installment On Track To Be Released In September

The Marketing Research Foundation (MRF) is in the process of developing a segmentation tool that is agile, adaptive and relevant across a diverse South African landscape. This new segmentation model is being further refined by the Bureau for Market Research following the workshops and feedback received. The MRF’s release of data for the April 2021 to March 2022 MAPS fieldwork period will be released at the beginning of September 2022.

‘We’re pleased to announce that the next MAPS installment is on track to be released very early next month,’ said MRF’s CEO, Johann Koster. ‘The data has been finalised and sent to the software bureaux for coding and loading and will be available to our subscribers and their agencies.’

The MRF is trialling the Media Stretch model. This tool has received good feedback from the testing group and a workshop will be held later this month where formal feedback will be received. The way forward will then be decided. According to Koster, he believes that this new cluster analysis will make it easier and add another dimension for marketers and advertisers to target their customer bases.

Lastly, the audit to examine the underlying processes, procedures, and protocols of MAPS, has been progressing well and a preliminary report is expected soon. Once the report is finalised it will go to the MRF Technical Committee and Advisory Board for consideration and actioning.

As August is Women’s month, it would be remiss of the MRF not to include a few female data points from MAPS. Did you know that the first National Women’s Day in South Africa was celebrated on 9 August 1995? The latest MAPS data reveals that women make up 52% of the South African population (age 15+). Two-thirds of women (66%) live in metro and urban areas of which close to 200,000 claim to have moved from a rural area in the last year. Just shy of 40% (8,8 million) of women are the main income earners in their household and 30% of women make the decision on what financial and investment products to buy.

‘We look forward to releasing the new data that becomes even more trendable as the MAPS fieldwork progresses and new observations are reported in consumer behaviour,’ concluded Koster.