NESCAFÉ Launches New Print Campaign

NESCAFE Launches New Print-Only Campaign

When will we learn to declutter our minds? This was the basis for a recent campaign executed by Prodigious South Africa, who managed to turn heads with its print-only NESCAFÉ campaign, ‘Decaf Your Mind’.

We live in a world where information is constantly being thrown at us. From news headlines to social media notifications to the unending pressures of daily life, it can be hard to keep up as our minds are flooded with a flurry of stimulus. It’s no wonder our thoughts are bouncing around our brains like marbles in a jar rolling down a hill.

The campaign creatively illustrated the different ways in which our minds are unable to switch off – calling for the need to take a step back and grasp any semblance of serenity we can.

According to Jacques Shalom, Executive Creative Director at Prodigious, the concept of ‘Decaf Your Mind’ may seem unusual, but it couldn’t be more relevant in an era where stress and overthinking are taking over our lives.’

‘We collated hundreds of weird night-time thoughts, recreated the most entertaining ones and placed various ads in national newspapers to show how NESCAFÉ can help unscramble your mind,’ Shalom said.

This resulted in seven creative print executions that all uniquely demonstrated how our minds can unravel in a cacophony of craziness – resulting in an inability to focus. According to Nivasha Pather, Category Marketing Manager at NESCAFÉ, the campaign is authentic, relevant and exciting work for a segment of the coffee category that often gets overlooked.

Why print? Shalom believes print media has a unique ability to reach a wide array of audiences and impact them in way that digital mediums cannot. Print advertisements are an effective way to attract potential customers, especially when creatively executed around its greatest strength: the ability to catch consumers in a moment of rest and reflection.

‘Our goal was psychological,’ said Nick Liatos, Executive Creative Director at Prodigious. ‘Where else can you really get a consumer to sit down and appreciate a large-scale piece of creative and actually reflect on its message? It certainly doesn’t happen on our phones. Press is a hive of what keeps our minds occupied and therefore the executions themselves are an extension of the medium.’

‘This campaign serves as a reminder that print media still holds a valuable place in the media matrix. Despite the allure of digital, print’s innate power to captivate and engage audiences in a deeply tangible way is undeniable and underestimated,’ Liatos concluded.