Naked’s Campaign Invites Consumers To Embark On A ‘Wait Loss’ Journey

Nakeds Campaign Invites Consumers To Embark On A Wait Loss Journey

Conceptualised by Naked’s in-house advertising team and creative studio, the Lose Wait campaign covers a range of digital media, radio and outdoor executions. The cheeky creative emphasises how insurance customers can ‘lose wait’ by getting a quote, buying cover, claiming, and managing their insurance on the Naked app.

Ernest North, co-founder of Naked Insurance, said: ‘In keeping with our other recent campaigns, we conceptualised ‘Lose Wait’ as a tongue-in-cheek way to showcase what a modern insurance customer experience should look like. We’re inviting consumers to embark on a ‘wait loss’ journey by getting Naked.’

On Sunday, 19 May, Rugby World Cup winner and Springbok Ox Nché spoke about his ‘wait loss’ journey in the Sunday Times, featuring prominently on the front page and with an advertisement in the lifestyle section. Additionally, his ‘story’ was supported by videos posted on social media which was played more than 86,000 times in the first three days. The number of people organically searching for ‘Naked Insurance’, particularly since Nché’s video and ad, has already increased by 23%.

Influencers such as well-known actor and comedian, Glen Biderman-Pam, actress and content creator Cassidy Nicholson and actress and singer Gugu Dhlamini, are taking part and sharing their ‘wait loss’ journeys through social posts and videos.

‘I’m really proud of Naked’s in-house creative agency, having once again come up with a clever campaign that cuts through a cluttered insurance ad landscape with a relatable theme and message. We believe it will resonate with anyone who feels frustrated with companies and industries that aren’t keeping up with their digital lifestyles,’ said North.