MotorHappy And The Star Film Company Release New Ad Campaign

MotorHappy And The Star Film Company Release New Ad Campaign

The MotorHappy marketing team conceptualised the Be Savvy campaign, and they teamed up with South African commercial production company, The Star Film Company, to bring their idea to life.

The Be Savvy digital campaign consists of four unique video ads that focus on humorous miscommunications that many South Africans will empathise with, highlighting the diversity of our nation. All four adverts are united by this common theme, with the underlying message that car ownership, servicing and maintenance can be a happy and ease-filled journey with MotorHappy as a partner.

‘We love South Africa’s appreciation of good humour, and our ability to laugh at ourselves,’ explained Barend Smit, Marketing Director of MotorHappy. ‘We face undeniable challenges in our day-to-day lives, but car ownership doesn’t necessarily have to be one of them. We wanted to raise awareness of MotorHappy as a motoring services provider, so consumers know there are professional solutions that can help ease the challenges of car ownership. It could mean one less worry to think about.’

In today’s market there are countless pop-up solutions in the industry which has unfortunately also increased the amount of mediocracy in the car health space.

‘The reality, however, is that there are still affordable professional services available that will spare the customer loads of surprises and frustration during their car ownership journey. With this ad campaign, our hope is to encourage South African car owners to ‘Be Savvy’ when it comes to looking after their beloved cars.’

Written by Julie Maunder and Anne Hirsch, and directed by Andrea Katzeff, the four ads brilliantly deliver the message of smart motoring in a humorous and light-hearted way. The first ad, #blackaerial, has already been launched, and the remaining ads will be rolled out over the next three months.

‘It is an absolute pleasure working with such open-minded clients that are willing to push the boundaries with advertising and create something for an audience to simply laugh at. Smit and his team trusted the process from beginning to end, and trust is the cornerstone of great creativity,’ said Adam Thal, executive producer at The Star Film Company.

‘We know that right now life can seem a little dark, but we believe laughter is the best medicine. With our Be Savvy advertising campaign, we use humour to connect with audiences around the country,’ concluded Smit.