Marketing And PR Professionals Can Demonstrate The Connection Between PR And Business Growth

Marketing And PR Professionals Can Demonstrate The Connection Between PR And Business Growth
Samantha Hogg-Brandjes, Owner and MD of GinjaNinja.

Samantha Hogg-Brandjes, Owner and MD of GinjaNinja, says that PR is the breakthrough marketing tool that delivers. PR can augment what no other marketing tactic can achieve on its own. A marketer with a PR team on their side can communicate business value at scale.

A recent independent study in the UK, reveals that 76% of UK CEOs don’t understand the value PR brings to their organisations. While there aren’t reliable figures available in South Africa, marketing and PR professionals have an opportunity to demonstrate the connection between PR and business growth, and take advantage of the power of earned media and the innovative ways it can be leveraged elsewhere, including for social media and other marketing efforts.

As budgets become more stretched, marketers must do more with less. When business objectives are clearly defined, PR can plug into these, and, through earned media, help protect and build business value. This builds a close connection between PR and marketing efforts, which can be woven into clear strategies for social media, newsletters, internal communications, crisis comms, and paid campaigns, all in a clearer and more cost-effective way than a siloed approach.

The most successful businesses in history understood that it’s not enough to create value, you must communicate it for it to matter. And the most consistent and cost-effective way to communicate business value is through PR. Communication doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it happens in an ecosystem. PR can be the power behind that ecosystem and revitalise marketing efforts. Because good PR is more than just public
relations. When a business engages in PR it forces everyone in the room to clearly define business goals and objectives. It supports and enhances marketing efforts.

PR has legs for days. It’s valuable not only in the way most people traditionally understand but in other ways too. PR has a second life as website content. PR is your word of mouth through case studies. PR feeds credible social media. PR gives substance to blogs. PR gives you something worth talking about in your company newsletter.

Simply put, good PR is not only about managing the public relations of a company; it’s about defining and communicating business value in a way that resonates, influences, and creates meaningful connections. In an environment where every penny counts, recognising and harnessing the power of PR is an investment that punches well above its weight.