Loeries Inspires Advertising Industry Through Travelling Exhibition

Loeries Inspiring The Advertising Industry Through Travelling Exhibition
 Students viewing creative work at the Loeries Travelling Exhibition 2018. 

The Loeries Travelling Exhibition, showcasing the past year’s award-winning work from across Africa and the Middle East, is taking place at the University of Johannesburg until 19 April 2019. 

The exhibition aims to inspire anyone in the advertising, design and brand communication industry through the best work from the African region. The exhibition also serves as a guide for anyone planning to enter the Loeries this year.

Loeries CEO Andrew Human said, ‘The creative economy offers so much potential for our economy – the opportunity to employ our talented youth and to turn their ideas into something valuable, while creating revenue. I hope this exhibition inspires talented youngsters to follow their heart and make their passion their career.’

The Loeries entry deadline is 15 May 2019 and Creative Week takes place from 19 to 25 August 2019.
