King Price Launches New Ad Campaign

King Price Launches New Ad Campaign

De Wet van Deventer, head of marketing at King Price In-sho-sho, said that their new campaign – insurance you can be sure-sure about – reaches right back to the one word directive given by founder Gideon Galloway when the brand launched 12 years ago. Disrupt. It also speaks to the brand’s #UnapologeticallySouthAfrican stance.

‘There are many things in South Africa that you can’t be too sure about,’ said Van Deventer. ‘The loadshedding schedule. The probability of potholes being fixed before they become small dams. Whether or not there really were 10 babies. But if there are two things we can be sure-sure about, it’s that us South Africans love to laugh at ourselves, and that King Price has been innovating since day one to keep South Africans covered with insurance that’s fair and logical.’

As far as its marketing goes, King Price has become known for celebrating South Africa’s diverse cultures. There was the farmer wanting to ‘do something sexy to a tractor’; the young man paying lobola with ‘kettle’; the motorist and the traffic cop having a conversation around ‘braaiiii’ day; the recipients of COVID vaccinations warning others that ‘the test tickles’. And now, there are dodgy-seeming things that South Africans should be sure-sure about.

By bringing surety to otherwise doubtful situations, the in-sho-sho campaign reaffirms that King Price can be counted on to deliver products that are right for the needs of all South Africans backed up by award-winning royal service – and that more South Africans are trusting King Price with their insurance needs, every day.

Even the campaign dynamics trade off an element of uncertainty that King Price has turned into a ‘sure thing’. For two days, King Price incentivised announcers over five radio stations to organically say ‘sure-sure’ and ‘sho-sho’ as often as possible on air, with no brand mention.

When the brand link was revealed as part of a considered content take-over of the stations’ weather and sports slots (which, let’s face it, are both things you can’t be at all sure about) King Price tallied up the sure-sure mentions and donated corresponding amounts to a charity of the stations’ choosing.

King Price’s ongoing partnership with creative agency Freckle ensure-sures that this campaign’s ad is as funny, relatable and shareable as everything preceding it.