It Is An Exciting Time For Us To Push Brand Africa

It Is An Exciting Time For Us To Push Brand Africa
Thebe Ikalafeng, founder and chairman of Brand Africa and the Brand Leadership Group.

Africa, is it relevant or relegated? Find out at this year’s virtual Nedbank Integrated Marketing Conference (IMC) 2022.

On 29 July, one of the stalwarts of South Africa’s marketing scene, Thebe Ikalafeng, founder and chairman of Brand Africa and the Brand Leadership Group, will address whether Africa is relevant or relegated.

The Nedbank IMC’s theme this year is: Marketing. Is it relevant? Ikalafeng is well placed to consider this question from a distinctly African perspective, having visited every country in the African continent and worked in more than 20. ‘I think that as Africans,’ said Ikalafeng, ‘we are very ready to adopt the stance that our continent is relegated by the rest of the world. In certain instances, this is true. Think of the recent Covid-19 vaccination discrimination when we had poor access to the vaccine while other countries were stockpiling.’

But this is not the whole story, he suggested. Africa is an enduring source of creative inspiration for other markets, from design to cuisine to culture and beyond. ‘We have a strong brand called Africa. It is an exciting time for us to push this brand,’ said Ikalafeng.

‘But if I look at what we ourselves are doing, there is some concern. Of all the brands that Africans rate most highly, only 20% are made in Africa. We may even be buying international products with an African flair or flavour; essentially buying back an ‘Africa’ that has been produced elsewhere! In so doing, are we complicit in relegating our own continent?’

Dale Hefer, CEO of the Nedbank IMC, said that the conference has always encouraged critical and new ways of thinking. ‘Ikalafeng’s presentation will provide rich food for thought. He might prod us into considering our own assumptions as African marketers. But he’ll undoubtedly inspire us, too.’

Ikalafeng has a big personality, a wealth of knowledge about branding in Africa, and a critical – but ultimately positive – outlook on what we have to offer. His presentation at the Nedbank IMC 2022 will likely produce pure (African) gold. Don’t miss it.

Virtual tickets are R1999 (excluding VAT). Group discounts are available. Book tickets here. Modern Marketing is a proud media partner of the Nedbank IMC. Nedbank IMC 2022 bursaries are available here.