Increase Your Reach And Expand Despite Coronavirus


Shaleen Wohrnitz, Brand Building SA owner, encourages businesses to promote more, increase their reach, and individuals to live their lives to the fullest and show those around them how to expand in spite of adversity.

To all the lionesses out there: be careful, not because of a virus, but becoming smaller and smaller. This is the time when one should not cave in and stop creating – the exact opposite in fact. There are those on this planet whose interest it is to have you small and controllable – don’t allow that to happen. You might think that this is the end of everything – I have news: it’s the start! It’s the start of the next phase of your life.

If you’re working from home and stressing about your business, the best suggestion I have is to communicate far and wide. Don’t dwell on the negative. Take precautions of course, but don’t succumb to the bad news.

If you don’t have your goals worked out; if you haven’t written them down or if you don’t know what they are, then it’s time to pull those socks up and get started on this process. Once you have the goals nailed down, write down how you’re going to achieve them.

Use social media for good, for your success. Pics of your dogs and kids are great, but right now you need to put on that armour, dig deep for the courage and strength I know you have, and get your message out on social media. Let people know what you’re doing. Virus or not, there is no time to get smaller either in self or business. Grab that courage and attack.