How To Get The Most Out Of Indoor LED Marketing Displays

How To Get The Most Out Of Indoor LED Marketing displays

Places like shopping malls, corporate head office foyers and retail stores are embracing indoor LED marketing displays. They have a much higher impact than traditional channels, save time and increase operational flexibility. And they don’t cost an arm and a leg anymore.

Say no to low definition

Long gone are the days of basic text or numbering being associated with LED displays. Technological innovation has resulted in LED tiles being produced in ever decreasing pixel-pitch configurations. Simply put, this means a higher definition. Marketers can display full HD video content on the LED displays, creating a fully immersive display. The tiles are produced in such a way, that it appears seamless from the optimal viewing distance and angle.

Fast, flexible and dynamic

Marketing campaigns have become much more sophisticated and focused, making direct-view LED displays the hardware of choice to attract shoppers and engage with clients in store. The technology offers more bang for marketing buck; a single solution can identify a brand, promote an item or service and inform the target audience with a well-planned content scheduling strategy. A marketer who knows when a specific audience is likely to be in proximity to the display can have custom created messages scheduled to reach them.

Customised solutions 

Direct-view LED display manufacturers have been producing individual LED tiles for a while now. Depending on the available space, the desired marketing objective and budget allocated to a project, a customised solution is relatively simple to develop.

Long lasting and easy to service

If procured from a trusted source, the hardware is very durable. The average lifespan of direct view LED displays is longer than that of traditional LCD or LED backlit displays. In terms of serviceability, the modular construction of the tiles allows individual components to be replaced and serviced.

Let’s engage

It’s the watchword of our time. Engagement. We are all looking for better marketing engagement. How do direct-view LED displays improve this key factor in modern marketing?

They are bright, and they display movement. Why is this a factor? Our eyes detect colour, shape, texture, and detail really well when we are directly gazing at something. The magno cells in our retina are weak at detecting these features in our periphery, in favour of a strong ability to detect motion (to helping us spot danger before it’s too late).
