Hoorah Digital Introduces Bain’s Whisky To Younger Audience In Latest Campaign

Hoorah Digital Introduces Bains Whisky To Younger Audience In Latest Campaign

Hoorah Digital has ‘sonically remastered’ whisky in a new campaign for Bain’s. Infusing a more traditional brand that is well-known and respected with a new energy in order for it to appeal to a younger, trendier audience is a task that needs to be carefully considered.

One the one hand, the heritage of the brand must be honoured and on the other, provision must be made for allowing it to be more progressive, contemporary, emotive and magnetic.

These were some of the main considerations Hoorah Digital had to take into account when they were briefed to connect Bain’s with a new audience who are curious and keen to experiment.

Hoorah’s creative solution was the Bain’s Sonic Symphony Remastered by Masters, bringing music and sound into the Bain’s mix to create a whisky made to music.

This concept saw Hoorah connecting Bain’s with musician and influencer Tellaman to sonically influence the whisky by playing his music into barrels in the cellar at the Sedgwick Distillery in the Western Cape, using sound transducing technology.

#WhiskyRemastered is the result of a sonic ageing process that causes the frequency to constantly move the liquid inside the barrels, giving it more surface contact with the wood, while the vibrations can alter the whisky on a molecular level.

The final part of the maturation process saw the whisky remastered by master distiller Andy Watts. Central to the concept is the acknowledgement that even true masters remaster from time to time. In this way, the Bain’s brand is able to align itself with stories of remastery and to showcase the work of two South African masters of their craft: Andy Watts and Tellaman.

‘It’s such an honour to work with an award-winning South African whisky brand and we wanted to ensure that our creative concept pays homage to the legacy of this iconic, sustainable brand while at the same time elevating it in a way that appeals to a younger, trendier audience. With #WhiskyRemastered, we were able to do so in an exciting way,’ said Simon Spreckley, Chief Creative Officer at Hoorah Digital.

Anine de Wet, Hoorah Account lead on Distell, said, ‘I love working with a client who sticks to a brief. Their challenge to us was to shift brand perception and when we proposed a rather daring first-of-its-kind concept, they didn’t shy away from the idea – what a privilege.’
