Fujifilm Invites You To Enter The Second Edition Of The Design Challenge

Fujifilm Invites You To Enter The Second Edition Of The Design Challenge

Fujifilm is hosting the second edition of the Design Challenge where over R38,000 worth of Fujifilm cameras can be won.

Entrants are challenged to submit a design for a number of different categories (which include Interior Design, Retail Environment and ‘free’ category, where you can let your creative juices run free), using the Acuity LED 1600 II’s unique features creatively.

These unique features include:
1.Two or three-layer one-pass printing: simultaneous two or three-layer printing with colour, white and clear inks provides the ability to produce high-value creative prints. Print colour-white-colour layers in one pass for two-sided images on transparent materials.
2. Emboss effect: LED UV cures the ink instantly so there is no need to wait for the print to dry before finishing or shipping. This technology enables you to print multiple layers: you can print an imaged raised up to nine times.
3. Heat sensitive materials: LED UV lamps use a fraction of the energy of conventional curing systems, which means users can work with heat-sensitive media without deformation, saving money on power consumption and substrates.
4. Added value with clear and white inks: clear ink offers the luxury to highlight or enhance print with high-gloss spot finishes. High-density white ink can be used to produce creative effects on clear and coloured media. Colours, white and clear inks can be printed simultaneously
5. Print on coloured materials: high-density white inks and multiple layer print enables Acuity LED 1600 II users to print vibrant images on a wide range of coloured substrates and achieve high-value special effects.
6. Print directly on to roll or rigid: quickly switch between the roll and rigid printing. Flatbed feed and receive tables are used for printing rigid media. It supports substrates up to 1610mm wide and can print on rigid sheet substrates up to 13mm thick.
7. High quality and fine text: achieve smooth tones and outstanding close-up clarity thanks to light inks, variable drop print heads and dot gain control. The Fujifilm technologies are accurately tuned to deliver brilliant images at speed.

You do not need to own an Acuity LED 1600 II, just the design must be able to be produced on the machine. There is no cost to enter the competition.
Closing date is 10 August 2018.

Winners will be announced at the upcoming FESPA Africa expo, taking place from 12-14 September 2018 at Gallagher Convention Centre.

For more information visit www.fujifilmdesignchallenge.co.za

FUJIFILM SOUTH AFRICA (+27 11) 430 5400 