Firejuice Implementing Marketing Strategy To Expand Ener-G-Africa’s Footprint

Firejuice Implementing Marketing Strategy To Expand Ener-G-Africa Footprint
Ener-G-Africa panels.

Ener-G-Africa – a sustainable energy company – and Firejuice have joined forces to implement a marketing strategy that will expand Ener-G-Africa’s footprint throughout Southern Africa. 

This particular collaboration is a six-month engagement, during which Firejuice will act as an outsourced marketing department and support Ener-G-Africa as it expands. It will provide the services traditionally associated with those of a marketing director and marketing manager, but on a flexible and affordable basis. 

Richard Bunderson, a director of Ener-G-Africa, pointed to the solar panel factory as a major reason for engaging with Firejuice, which will ‘help Ener-G-Africa to take a strategic approach to generating demand once the plant is operational’.

Bernard Jansen, founder and principal consultant at Firejuice, said, ‘This partnership is exciting not only because Ener-G-Africa is a high-growth business with international backing, but also because it has ambitions to grow regionally.’ 

Jansen further highlighted the role played by technology and virtual tools when it comes to delivering flexible services to companies in Africa, ‘What has become apparent over recent months is that it is possible for a small team like ours to support companies as they scale their marketing operations – despite being based in Johannesburg.’