Final Call To Enter The Marketing Achievement Awards

Final Call To Enter The Marketing Achievement Awards

The Marketing Achievement Awards, endorsed by the Marketing Association of South Africa, celebrates excellence in the science and art of strategic marketing. Setting a benchmark for excellence through the publication of winning case studies, the awards inspire marketers to prove marketing’s value to the bottom line.

Furthermore, they are an opportunity to prove the positive commercial impact of marketing and brand building with demonstrable business results, including promoting analytical and creative marketing that impacts business positively.

Now more than ever before, strategic marketing is a critical tool for business success with remarkable potential to catalyse business growth. Done correctly, it connects organisations to customers, provides actionable insights, unlocks growth opportunities and builds equity on company balance sheets.

Now in their third year, this year the awards have adopted a new positioning: ‘Celebrating marketing excellence in business’. And a new theme: ‘Marketing that means business’, to help drive marketing’s stature in business while at the same time shaping the industry and promoting it as an illustrious career choice.

Open to marketers throughout South Africa, the Marketing Achievement Awards invites entrants to enter work that has managed to generate significant impact within their businesses in one or more of 15 award categories across different marketing areas.
This includes the Marketer of the Year category, which recognises the best marketer in the industry who has delivered innovative marketing, positively impacted business results and used their influence to drive the industry forward.

Finalists in this category are nominated by their peers. The Marketer of the Year award will be co-presented by MASA and the MAA’s Presenting Partner, the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

Group Executive of Corporate Affairs and Marketing at the SABC, Gugu Ntuli, said the public broadcaster applauds marketers who use strategic marketing to connect with their customers and audiences. ‘As the SABC, we share the Marketing Achievement Awards’ commitment to developing the marketing profession in South Africa,’ said Ntuli.

Following the deadline extension, final registrations to enter now close at midnight on the 15 February 2022 with the Gala Awards presentation taking place on 31 May 2022. Full entry criteria and details can be found here. Modern Marketing is a proud media partner of the MAA’s.